Pod Farm 2.5 update: No Line6 device needed anymore!!

This seems to have caused a lot of bugs for people, for once my Pod Farm AU is working properly though. If it took 2 years for them to solve the authorization bugs I had then I can't see them solving the new bugs anytime soon.

My guess is the Computer Authorization is a test for Pod Farm HD which won't be restricted to Line6 interfaces aswell.
I got mine on sale for $150 when they did the free upgrade to Plat... So PLay was running about $250 at the time.

Plat is MUCH MUCH more robust then standard. The ability to use each piece of the FX chain separately is SOOOOOO nice. Not having to use an AMP in the chain makes it possible to use the chorus's and delays on vox or drums. Its really great. It has some killer channel strips in there too!

Yeah I really love PODfarm Elements in Platinum 2. I don't even use the full one just the single instances. Often times I will use just the TS9 model on the reamp output, really awesome you don't have to load up the entire plug-in any more.
over here podfarm 2.5 forgets all settings after restart....
i only have a dry tone, although it shows the amp/cab as activated... still just di sound.

nice one, line 6 ! i upgraded from podfarm 1 in hope of this pain to end.

anyone else have that problem? seems to be 64 bit only...
over here podfarm 2.5 forgets all settings after restart....
i only have a dry tone, although it shows the amp/cab as activated... still just di sound.

nice one, line 6 ! i upgraded from podfarm 1 in hope of this pain to end.

anyone else have that problem? seems to be 64 bit only...

had similar problems with softube plugins.
used the 32 versions in 64bit cubase.
the plugin was activated but kinda automatically set to bypass.
installed cubase 32 again and it worked. i'm sure it's the plugin.

i just bought a new interface so i can stop using my shitty UX1, now i wont even have to keep my UX1 plugged in.
hopefully these bugs get fixed within the next few months.
I always found with the standalone version that it would hog my ASIO driver so I couldn't use VLC or anything to play music along, which sort of defeated the point for me. Anybody know a way around this?
i always use the standalone for monitoring and the only thing i notice is the clean line level goes like half way down when the plugin is ON , so i have to turn on the +18 thing =/
might not help at all anyway...

Cool thing for me, i like this move line6 made.

/edit/ i correct myself, i fucking hate you line6 hahaha i have like 2 amps and 2 cabs now ;___;

let the pain begin
I´m using an UX2 with the Gold POD Farm 2 bundle (the one with all the expansions) and it upgraded to 2.5 without any problem. Everything working fine here (VST on Reaper and standalone).

Bad move from Line 6. Pod Farm Platinum 2.5 has been cracked.

:lol: I knew it would be a matter of minutes. What a dumb move.
I have pod farm 1.0, but sold my pod to a friend.
Incidentally, I'm borrowing said Pod for the next couple of days, and then noticed this thread. So am I right in thinking I can get this... and then just give the pod back? That would be rather awesome...
I have pod farm 1.0, but sold my pod to a friend.
Incidentally, I'm borrowing said Pod for the next couple of days, and then noticed this thread. So am I right in thinking I can get this... and then just give the pod back? That would be rather awesome...

Nice move, i'll sell my guitar to a friend and borrow it later :P


I just move back to the old drivers and shit until line6 stops the circus and everything works ok i gues...
Hahaha well I don't need it, hence why I sold it. I use my Pro 40 and Revalver, but I had a clean tone on the pod that I need for an old re-record. He's a bandmate anyway so it's hardly going anywhere :P

Made me kinda miss it actually. I like just plugging in and jamming on it.
I'm finding PodFarm 2.5 great for clean tones and not so awsome at distortion sounds. But the interface and options are really great. What use are you getting out of it?