Pod Farm 2.5 update: No Line6 device needed anymore!!

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but don't upgrade or buy it for an iLok. The demo/trial is misleading. The full version is ridiculously buggy and completely unusable. I learned the hard way. There's quite a few threads on the Line 6 forum, with a lack of response from anyone that works there about the issues.

huh? i have podfarm for ilok and it works perfect!
Really? I, along with quite a few other people have had some really nasty problems with it. Out of curiosity, do you mind me asking your specs?

not at all.

intel i5 750
4gb ram

windows 7, cubase 5(but also protools 9 without problems)

i've literally never had a problem with podfarm so far.
Well, until I updated to 2.5, PODfarm 2 worked awesome, never an issue ever, mine is iLok. Now though... when I updated it the other day I didn't play through it, just checked to see if all the models were there in standalone. They were, which is cool. However, once I loaded it up in Cubase on some DI tracks I noticed something was incredibly wrong.

Here is what 2.02 sounds like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/794136/PODfarmPREv250.mp3

And here is what 2.50 sounds like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/794136/PODfarmPOSTv250.mp3

Same amp/cab/eq/everything. Sounds fucking horrible. So I deleted everything PODfarm off my computer, restarted, downloaded 2.02 and re-installed it. Logically, this should have fixed it and put things back the way they were. Right? Apparently not. Now 2.02 sounds like that as well. WTF. Still no official response from Line6.
[UEAK]Clowd;9828872 said:
not at all.

intel i5 750
4gb ram

windows 7, cubase 5(but also protools 9 without problems)

i've literally never had a problem with podfarm so far.

Thanks! Maybe it's a mac issue then?

Well, until I updated to 2.5, PODfarm 2 worked awesome, never an issue ever, mine is iLok. Now though... when I updated it the other day I didn't play through it, just checked to see if all the models were there in standalone. They were, which is cool. However, once I loaded it up in Cubase on some DI tracks I noticed something was incredibly wrong.

Here is what 2.02 sounds like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/794136/PODfarmPREv250.mp3

And here is what 2.50 sounds like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/794136/PODfarmPOSTv250.mp3

Same amp/cab/eq/everything. Sounds fucking horrible. So I deleted everything PODfarm off my computer, restarted, downloaded 2.02 and re-installed it. Logically, this should have fixed it and put things back the way they were. Right? Apparently not. Now 2.02 sounds like that as well. WTF. Still no official response from Line6.

Exactly what I'm going through right now.
Well, until I updated to 2.5, PODfarm 2 worked awesome, never an issue ever, mine is iLok. Now though... when I updated it the other day I didn't play through it, just checked to see if all the models were there in standalone. They were, which is cool. However, once I loaded it up in Cubase on some DI tracks I noticed something was incredibly wrong.

Here is what 2.02 sounds like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/794136/PODfarmPREv250.mp3

And here is what 2.50 sounds like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/794136/PODfarmPOSTv250.mp3

Same amp/cab/eq/everything. Sounds fucking horrible. So I deleted everything PODfarm off my computer, restarted, downloaded 2.02 and re-installed it. Logically, this should have fixed it and put things back the way they were. Right? Apparently not. Now 2.02 sounds like that as well. WTF. Still no official response from Line6.

Sounds like the cabinet is bypassed. I ran the Post v2.5 clip thru POD Farm Elements Guitar Amps with the Power Amp and the British V30 4x12 and it sounded like your Pre v2.5 clip.
Yeah I thought that too, at first. I put IR1A after podfarm but it still sounded awful as hell. Interesting it sounds fine when you did it though. Something else I noticed is even if I use the Elements TubeScreamer before LeCto or another ampsim, it sounds fucked up like that.

Yeah I would highly suggest NOT updating to 2.50 until they fix this shit.

Clowd: There was absolutely nothing wrong with 2.02. It's just this 2.5 update that has fucked things up. However, like I said I re-downloaded and re-installed 2.02 from the L6 website and it still sounds like that. How that is even possible is still beyond me.
Clowd: There was absolutely nothing wrong with 2.02. It's just this 2.5 update that has fucked things up. However, like I said I re-downloaded and re-installed 2.02 from the L6 website and it still sounds like that. How that is even possible is still beyond me.

man thats fucked. i'll be very interested to see what was causing this when you figure it out. feel free to pm me if you need any DIs reamped (repodded? lol) in the meantime.
Ah thanks for the offer, I have something worked out with someone already luckily.
I don't know why the re-installing of v2 hasn't worked out for you guys... I uninstalled v2.5 and re-installed v2.01 and it works just like it used to. Maybe you should try v2.01?
superfreak: Do you have the 2.01 installer for OSX? The only one available on the Line6 website is 2.02.

DeclanWhite: tubescreamer (17, 60, 50), cali diamondplate amp (40, 60, 30, 60, 70), treadplate cab %0 room and U67 mic.
So if I own Pod Farm 2 Platinum with an iLok I should NOT upgrade to 2.5 right?
Yes. Exactly. Latest stable version is 2.02. Please don't upgrade to 2.5 because of its bugs that makes PodFarm totally unworkable. I have tried 2.5 and forced to switch back to 2.02.

My system: Win7 x64 U, Intel core i7-860, 8 gb ram, Cubase 5 & Reaper 3.76, PodFarm 2 Platinum (iLok)