Pod Farm 2.5 update: No Line6 device needed anymore!!

My Pod Farm 2.5 is working perfectly...at first I had all these issues but it's all fixed now. I'm not using an ilok or mac version though... I have a cheap POD GX xD
I had the GUI issue as well SEE HERE

I completely uninstalled 2.02 and installed 2.50 and it didn't make a difference, after a few questions at the line6 forum I then realized when I was installing 2.50 I was installing the plugins in a new folder C:/Program Files x86/Line 6/Pod Farm 2/A folder here with the vst lol and even though I had completely uninstalled 2.02, I found that the plugin files (.dll) were still in another folder C:/Program Files x86/Steinberg/Vst Plugins So I deleted those files in there and reinstalled 2.50 saving the plugins into that directory this time, and that fixed everything for me...
Yeah, all the VSTs and everything are in the right place in my situation though :\
it worked 2.0.2 after a full re-install of everything....even the OS

in better news my macs back to running like a dream
So that only means with the 2.5 update it is installing some files somewhere that are fucking things up, making it impossible to downgrade back to 2.02 without issue. Interesting. I'm going to add that information to the support ticket L6 has open for me, maybe that will help them figure it out so I don't have to reinstall OSX.
Funny how my ux2 died the day pod farm 2.5 was released. Also funny that pod farm 2.5 platinum was cracked a few days later.
I installed 2.51 on my Macbook Pro running 10.6.8 using PT9 and it was just crashing Pro Tools when I tried to load the plugin. I completely removed everything line 6 from my system and reinstalled 2.02, which is working fine.
006: Version 2.51 was released 6/23/11, did it fix the problem?

I'm not bothering with their shitty, unstable and unchecked updates. I advise everyone else to do the same. I got 2.02 working like normal and I am happy with that. 2.51 offers no advantage for me, personally.

I just realized also that I never updated my situation in this thread... I found a way for Mac users to revert to 2.02:

Delete Line6 files or folders in:

Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers
Library/Frameworks (should be two folders, L6WXTG and L6WXTY.framework)
Library/Application Support/Line 6
Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins
User/Library/Application Support/Line 6
Applications/Line 6
User/Documents/Line 6
User/Library/Preferences (Line6 preferences, should be something like com.line6.xxxxx, etc.)

Then, open up Terminal (Applications/Utilities) and enter these one line at a time, pressing Enter after each one:

cd // (enter)
cd/private/var/db/receipts (enter)
sudo rm -i com.line6* (enter)

You should have to enter your administrator password somewhere in there. Then you type "yes" and press enter for each file that comes up (it will be quite a few), this is saying yes to delete that file. After that is done, restart your computer, go to the Line6 site and download the 2.02 installer. Install 2.02 and see if it works.

This proves that there are files on the computer that conflict with the 2.5 update even after removing 2.02. According to Line6 support, all of the issues stem from having 2.02 and 2.5 installed at the same time, instead of one or the other. Yes, that's quite true, but simply trashing 2.02 is not enough. Unfortunately they are dumbasses over there and don't know what or where their own software installs things to. The funny thing is, once I put that method for fixing it in my support ticket and told them thanks for ignoring me, they replied apologizing and closed it. Next day I see Line6 staff on the forum giving that information out. It's really sad that an average Joe guy figured it out - and not the fucking people that MADE the software.
I think it fucking SUCKS that I can't use some POD Farm 1 models that I have my POD authorized for in the same session in Reaper and Snow Leopard whenever I'm using POD Farm 2.5 on that same session as well.
This excited me.
Also, I had bought the Metal Shop pack a year ago when I originally got POD Farm. But I was like, "nahhh need that $50" so I returned it.
When I updated, I just "had" the Metal Shop pack. Not sure why. But thanks, Line 6 for some free amp sims!
Glad it worked man. Although I am not the one who came up with it, another regular user on the line6 forum clued me in on it and I have been spreading it as much as possible. I'm just glad it works.