Poets of Future

A poem I wrote a long while ago.

Omniscent Ashen Boulder Gods

Mountains walk with God,
making footsteps in the ages
without ever taking movement.
Rocks stand tall and watch men fall
from the trivial foothills and the vital peaks.
Mountains and men live side by side
as natural elevations on the surface of the earth.
We are insignificant to the Mountain
but from its bluffs and ridges
we for a moment share the celestial majesty
the alp deity holds from its icy heights.

Kings break treaties with men
and beg for them from the Red Mountains.
The wrath of god
executed through liquid flame rivers
with vehement tributaries that char and wither
all life along the land its burning cloak flows onto.
Mountains remain still
and kill by your actions
or melt the earth
and slaughter thousands for taking none.
They endure the wind,
the ice, the time
and the progress.
Man has modeled himself after the Mountains.
Forever more will man strive to become a mortal Everest
beginning from the human valley;
to stand the highest from the corporeal depths
and to walk with God in his own era;
making footsteps of his own.​
A changed my poem a little bit.You'll say it sucks again but,I just wanted to show... :)(Im thanking to heartless_name beacuse of his advices and for all people who critizes me "politely")

A voiceless night surrendered the earth with peace.
It was a night with purple and starry sky.
Moon and sky were telling lovely words to each other.
Bright lights of Sun left it's place to Moon's bizzare lights and to evilness.
But it was a peaceful night with no sign of life.
Suddenly,God started to cry.
There were thunders which represented the wrath of night.
Ressurection of the evilness,was beginning...

But they had no meaning to me
I had lost my chains that made me hold on to life and to my dreams.
I was cheated on by my love,my dearest :)waah: )
My heart,it had nothing more than the "wounds of love" in it.
I couldnt feel relief or ease anymore.
No love,no hope,no trusting,they're for weak people.
Hate,fury and pain that makes me feel the true power,were the only thing I had.
My hope was captured by the eternal darkness of fear and hate.

I couldn't take a step anymore
I was too tired of living,loving and caring
My eyes were blind beacuse of the temptation of revenge
Humanity became a heavy boulder on my neck.
I had no hope or no wish from this life.
I just need a lightless room to pray God.
To release me from this torment and madness.
There was a blaze of fire in my soul,which is captured by cruelty.
A fire breed by revenge,pain and love.
And this fire comes out of my eyes like a red water fall.
Im drowning in this red waterfall,the river of my own blood.
I need blood,
I need blood!

I stood up,
Brang a dagger with me and started to walk.
My dreams,all were lost and someone had to pay for this,
My dearest.
I couldnt recognize who I am or what I am doing
My body was out of control
My temptation deleted the signs of logic.
I couldnt focus on anything except getting revenge.
I was nothing more than a puppet.
A puppet controled by Satan.
Walking down the dark street,
Trying to find who I am...
But it had no importance.
Beacuse the important thing was my revenge,
My bloody sacrifice.
Someone had to spill her blood because of my lost dreams and my life like torture.
Oh yes,it will rain blood tonight...

I opened my eyes,
"Where I am ?"
"Who I am ?"
When I look at my right,I changed the question " What I am ?"
Something has frozen my heart and my soul.
My dearest,
She was murdered by my blind temptation.
Frozen tears were coming down my eyes.
Signs of suffer were flowing down my arms.
I had nothing except blood on my hands
And tears on my eyes.
It started to rain,blood...
These were her tears,
Tears of pain.
"God!Release me from this torment and madness!"
A dagger appeared behind me.
The Dagger of Eternity
I stabbed in to my heart which had nothing more than hate in it.
Death kissed my lips.
I didnt mind about burning in Hell.
I didnt mind about being punished by God.
They would be better from this torture.
Death would be my escape from this madness...
to lazy to read...but heres mine

with fear i kiss the burning darkness
as i follow the reaper
blue fog billows around the tombstones we walk by
i feel despair as the black goddess
of death sets upon me
oh how i grow delirious when the sky becomes a crescendo of death and despair
as i walk, an ocean of darkness sinks
upon me. as i see the shadow of the scythe
descend upon my bitter sweet, blackened heart. as i fall
to the ground the fog billows over me as i fall into an eternal sleep
here's my poem:

Fuck, i left my fork upstairs
Shit, i got fuzz in my hair
Crap, my napkins stuck under my chair
Damn, i wrote a poem, there