Poll : Whitesnake for PP Headliner?

Would you like to see Whitesnake headline ProgPower USA

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 18.7%
  • No

    Votes: 113 81.3%

  • Total voters
I never really got into Whitesnake at all. Therefore, my personal tastes would rather not see them headline.

Also, as has been said earlier, they still tour regularly and do many festivals. It would kind of relegate the "special" factor of having them at this fest.
IMO, there are only two Whitesnake albums worth listening to. The 1987 one and Slip of the Tongue. Not enough to justify playing PP, although headlining a pre-party might work.
metalsped said:
Can't believe we dont have more Whitesnake love in here. How about this....

Would you like to see Whitesnake at PP in ANY slot?

I like Whitesnake, but it's very simple for me...I've seen them. Twice, I think. Heck, they might be touring now, and playing a local North Carolina show...if they are, I might even go.

They put on a great show (at least, last I saw them), but there are DOZENS of other bands I'd rather see at ProgPower....bands that I won't have a realistic chance of seeing any other place at any other time.

I wouldn't even want them as an opener, to be honest....what, and give up some incredible band like Zero Hour, Pyramaze, Circus Maximus, Stride, etc, that *otherwise* would have opened??? Hell, no!!! :rock:

Besides, about 95% of why I come to ProgPower is the PROG aspect of it, and while I like Whitesnake, there's nothing "prog" about them, last I checked. :lol:

monstershredder0003 said:
i cant beleive that 9 people want to see them!

:lol: You know how many millions of records they have sold in their career? How is it so hard to fathom? I clearly see that I am in the minority here, but your comment I just find ludicrous.
They're big enough to have way more people coming to their show than ProgPower gets... and yet only 9 people that browse the ProgPower forum want to see them... LOL you can't say this isn't funny.
For the record:

David Coverdale is the greatest vocalist of all-time.

Whitesnake is the greatest hard rock band of all time.

There is a Whitesnake discography prior to "Slide It In" that a few of you need to revisit or visit for the first time.

You can relax though as I would not book Whitesnake for the festival because Mr. Coverdale deserves more respect that he would evidently receive here. Sad. (Keep in mind this is directed at those that do not have a clue as opposed to those that just don't have any interest or have actual points).

That is all.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
For the record:

David Coverdale is the greatest vocalist of all-time.

Whitesnake is the greatest hard rock band of all time.

There is a Whitesnake discography prior to "Slide It In" that a few of you need to revisit or visit for the first time.

That is all.

Glenn H.

:rock: I second the motion of visiting the stuff before 'Slide It In'.
metalsped said:
:lol: You know how many millions of records they have sold in their career? How is it so hard to fathom? I clearly see that I am in the minority here, but your comment I just find ludicrous.

well,they may have sold millions of records,but only 9 people on this forum would like to see them play here? and you say my comment is ludicrous.
Harvester said:
For the record:

David Coverdale is the greatest vocalist of all-time.

Whitesnake is the greatest hard rock band of all time.

There is a Whitesnake discography prior to "Slide It In" that a few of you need to revisit or visit for the first time.

You can relax though as I would not book Whitesnake for the festival because Mr. Coverdale deserves more respect that he would evidently receive here. Sad.

That is all.

Glenn H.

Like I've said before, if it wasn't for Whitesnake, I probably wouldn'b be browsing this forum. John Sykes and David Coverdale opened my adolescent eyes and ears to whole new world of kick ass music! :rock:

I agree that their entire catalog is worth owning and revisiting! :kickass:

Their early stuff is pure hard rock in the veins of Deep Purple and Zeppelin. Slide It In converted their sound to full blown 80s hard rock, which they done in grade A, first class form. :rock:

I'm glad to see that you're a fan Glenn!
Just because some here don't care for Whitesnake, I don't think it is fair to say that someone "doesn't have a clue".

There are many great rock bands out there that have sold millions of records, been influencial, etc. Doesn't mean that you "have" to like them.

For me, one perfect example would be Zeppelin. I never liked them and I don't imagine I ever will. Doesn't mean I don't have respect for them. Also, I would not deny the influence they have had on hard rock and metal. Though I wouldn't say it would be fair to say I "don't have a clue".

I think you need to consider in the context of the Prog Power festival, Whitesnake would not be a good fit.
I agree 100% that they do not fit and I agree 100% it's ok not to like them. I edited my comment to reflect that there were a few stupid posts that got under my skin. Contrary to the rumors, I'm human and I piss on being politically correct 100% of the time. :kickass: