[Poll] Your Favorite Ballad'ish Symphony X Song

What is your favorite ballad'ish Symphony X song(s)?

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Five Align
Feb 1, 2008
Let's see which one is the most appreciated around here. :)

It's a multiple choice question but try not to vote for more than 2-3.

Edit: I guess there might be some argument as to which songs should be considered of the "ballad'ish" kind, but I'm sure you'll know what I mean by that. There's one (sometimes two) of them on pretty much every one of their albums.
It looks like you covered them all in the poll, although The Edge of Forever should probably be included since some of these are also more mini-epics than ballads.

Anyway, very hard to choose. So many classics here. It's probably a toss up between "Communion" and "Awakenings". Two of the most unique tracks in their discography. "Lady of the Snow" is definitely my favorite of those that I'd actually call a ballad.
Man, so many of these are among Symphony X's best songs. 5 "ballad-ish" songs in my Symphony X top 10 (including Edge Of Forever in that), and that comes up to 6 out of 12 if I go a little further.

For the record I personally would be reluctant to group Awakenings in with these, and songs like The Accolades, The Edge Of Forever and When All Is Lost I wouldn't consider "ballads" (i.e. if someone asked me for some of my favourite "ballads" in general), but I get what you mean by "Ballad'ish Song".

Anyway, going with When All Is Lost by a nose, although like I said The Accolades, Paradise Lost, The Edge Of Forever and Communion And The Oracle aren't far behind. Edit: Didn't realise it was a multiple choice poll, but I suppose it doesn't make much sense for me to vote multi choice anyway since I'd just be voting for all the popular ones anyway.
Struggled for a while with choosing between The Accolade and Awakenings, but went with the 'nings in the end.
Candle or Lady. I really liked the Accolade a long time ago but it hasn't aged very well on me. Voted Candle, looked like it could use some love.
Toss-up between Communion and Accolade II. I had to vote for Candlelight, too, since it's just such a unique and emotional song.

While I like most of these songs, there's a few that I have to say don't stand up to the others. Shades is a joke, and I only like bits and pieces of Lady. Paradise is kind of boring and just a typical power ballad, and Sacrifice is like Candlelight Fantasia lite (you know, without all the interesting stuff). WAIL is their best ballad in recent years, but it pales in comparison to any of the "ballads" on their second through sixth albums (except for Lady).

It's hard to really peg down which Symphony X songs are "ballads," since most of their songs contain many different elements (both heavy and light). For example, I would have included Edge of Forever and Winter's Dream (full) on here, but I'm not so sure about Awakenings. Does one light verse make a song a "ballad?"
Shades of Grey, Whispers, Candlelight Fantasia, Lady of the Snow, Accolade II, Paradise Lost, Sacrifice and When All Is Lost are ballads. To me, the others are progressive songs that just happen to be lighter overall and have less emphasis on the "metal" aspect of the music.

Pretty much all of them have many softer moments combined with some sort of heavier guitar section, but I think the distinction is made based on the structures and the types of choruses that the songs have.
Accolades and Candlelight Fantasia. But I agree with AsoTamaki in a sense that "ballad" is a bit misleading term for some of these, but it'll do. They are the more melodic/light/build-up based songs anyway.
I also agree that maybe some songs on the poll dont fit and others that were not included fit into this "catagory" more. Pretty tough choice. I also didn't realize I could vote for more than one. Went with Communion. Would have also picked EoF if it was on there.
I also agree that maybe some songs on the poll dont fit and others that were not included fit into this "catagory" more. Pretty tough choice. I also didn't realize I could vote for more than one. Went with Communion. Would have also picked EoF if it was on there.

Yeah, although some of it is a toss up between ballad or not a ballad, I would definitely have put Edge of Forever up instead of Awakenings. (Not bashing Awakenings in any way)
From The Accolade to Awakenings, I could have voted for all of them...

But I voted for Awakenings and Candlelight Fantasia.

I´m just curious Marwen, why did you decided not to include TEoF? I´m even thinking TtLG could also be considered as "ballad`ish"...


Nah, I have just heard TtLG, and I´m not thinking that anymore. Despite being somewhat "light", TtLG is just too awesome to be considered anything but an epic one.
Yeah, but the thing is, I reckon The Accolade, for example, is just as much an epic as that one.
I´m just curious Marwen, why did you decided not to include TEoF?

At the time of making the poll, it just seemed to me like it's more on the "mini-epic" side than the "ballad-like song" side. Mind you it was the only one I wasn't sure about. On second thought I probably should have included it anyway.

As for Awakenings, while at least half of it is not super light tone-wise, imo there's definitely too much soft piano-backed singing and a prominent personal/emotional atmosphere for it not to be considered ballad'ish.

Anyhow, so far I see a nice bell curve centered at Communion and the Oracle. I'm proud of you all.
Hard to separate the ballads from the epics. If we're talking about a song that's for sure a ballad, then Candlelight Fantasia.

I can't really compare among songs like Awakenings, Communion, Accolade, and Edge of Forever. They're all top-notch.

On the list, the only one I flat out don't like is Sacrifice, which I just don't think is very well-written (sorry, guys)...and I'm not crazy about PL or WAIL either.
At the time of making the poll, it just seemed to me like it's more on the "mini-epic" side than the "ballad-like song" side. Mind you it was the only one I wasn't sure about. On second thought I probably should have included it anyway.

I understand now. Well, let´s look the positive side of things, with TEoF (and maybe "A Winter´s Dream I & II" ) included, to answer this poll wouldn´t have been possible!

On the list, the only one I flat out don't like is Sacrifice, which I just don't think is very well-written (sorry, guys)...and I'm not crazy about PL or WAIL either.

Agreed (Assuming nobody on this forum takes "Shades of Gray" seriously).
I voted for Awakenings and Candlelight Fantasia. I had to choose just one, I'd go for Candlelight Fantasia, which I also consider more of a "pure" ballad.
Surprised Candlelight Fantasia's doing so much better than The Accolades considering I usually see them on a lot of people's lists of top Symphony X songs.