Porcelain Heart


Sep 6, 2008
OK I want to get one thing sorted out... cause I've heard numerous times that Fredrik Åkesson wrote the song or 'contributed to' writing the song. Can anyone clear this up? And second of all, if he did write the song, I think this theory of mine sums it up: He was afraid cause everyone was saying he would 'overplay' on the album, so he wrote a really simple song so he wouldn't get ridiculed by the diehard fans... But tbh I dnt mind it anyway I just wanna know who wrote it.
Fred wrote the opening heavy riff.

"Porcelain Heart" took me a looong time to get to liking. Now I think it's a brilliant song. It's all about lingering and dying sounds.

Not my favorite off Watershed, though.
it's just as good as any other song of Watershed, even though I don't think Coil fits in.
I cringe every time I hear "Porcelain Heart." Everything is wrong with this song, from its piecemeal construction, to its uninspired riffs (with one exception), to its embarrassingly cheesy lyrics, to that bafflingly inappropriate drum fill.

Besides, didn't Frederik think the main riff wasn't really anything special? Wasn't it Mikael who decided to go with it?
to that bafflingly inappropriate drum fill.

lol, you still don't get the drum fill? I'll admit that it was one of my major gripes, when I didn't like the song, but I figured it out months ago.

Get with the program!
I changed my tag in honor of this great song. There's also some Sepultura in there.
sorry but that's just your opinion, watershed is my favorite album and porcelain heart is one of the best tracks i've ever heard in my opinion
i just sounds like 3 different songs that they slammed together to me. i like the acoustic part. it would go good in a different song. and i like the other riffs...but they arent connected well.