Porcupine Tree 7/24 @Bowery Ballroom NYC ROLL CALL!

Thorns of Sorrow

My pic is squished
Apr 18, 2002
New York City
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Hey guys Im just wondering who here is going to see Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree this Wednesday here in NYC at the Bowery Ballroom, I know there are like maybe 3 guys here from NYC, I remember Demonspell saying he was gonna go, Im buying my tixx tomm, and I wanna know who here is going so maybe we can meet up, being that I have no one to go with..Well if ur a UM.com member and you NEVER post lol and you live in NYC and are going to the show please post lol Itll be cool if some of us meet up and go, or maybe I can meet you guys there ;)
well I bought my tixx today, If anyone is going, Ill be the tall guy with a Blackwater Park t shirt, hanging out with a tall long haired blonde kid..we are both impossible to miss, I hope I see some people there *cough*Demonspell*cough*
Dude, I told ya, I would if I could, but sadly I'm 16 and I live with my parents in Iowa. The odds weren't good to start out with.
I knew some guys that were goin, but its an 18ys and over show...I dont get it, fucking when my old band played with Cannibal Corspe, the show was 15 and over...I mean its Porcupine Tree for christs sake! What are they doin protecting teens from good music or sumthin? hehe
they are protecting me from good music!! with their gay 21 and over shit here in chicago. Well actually its the venue they are playing at which is gay. They really screwed themselves over by picking the double door.
I'll be at the NY show! I can't wait, I've never seen PT live before. I will be wearing my Still Life shirt, and I'm planning on getting there real early so I'll be on the lookout for a Blackwater Park shirt.:) I know the show starts at ten, but does anyone know what time the doors open?
Damn you, Thorns. I reallly wish I could see Porcupine Tree live, but it doesn't look like I'll catch them anytime soon. I think the closest they might be coming to me is Maryland, which is about a 7 and a half hour drive. That's too far considering I don't have a car, and my brother is working at night now. Grrr! Have fun, and be sure to rub it in all our faces when you get back. Take lots of pics! :D
lol im gonna try and buy a disposable camera, and take pics...hopefully ill meet up with demonspell and alucard and wella ll take pics together like a big happy UM.com family :lol: I need to find soemone with a scanner though eheh

Alucard! u better look for me...goto the picture page..


if you see a tall dude w/ a BWP shirt, dont be a stranger! :spin: