Post a random fact about yourself

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I just finished downloading all pink panther episodes in I'm trying to figure out what to do with them :p
Human Desert said:

UndoControl: Based on his nick i'd think he was born in 87, so that would make him 18.

fact: I always want to drink ice cold frosty Sprite when i have a hangover.

Well, 17 right now, 18 in 17 days. But good call on the name thing.
@trapper : huh, good to see I'm not the only DT fan in Ottawa!

fact :Due to christmas and alcohol, my bank account will soon commit suicide.
why is taliesin getting all the women on this forum? not that i want any of them, but it's unfair - some folks on here end up having tr00 wub with a few people they meet on the forum, but where's my mr. right? :D
hyena said:
why is taliesin getting all the women on this forum? not that i want any of them, but it's unfair - some folks on here end up having tr00 wub with a few people they meet on the forum, but where's my mr. right? :D
You're now officially next in line ;) Not that it will do you any good Im afraid.. I think I found my ideal partner :p

Sorry for all the happy posts.. the love is still young and enthusiastic, we'll try not to bother you so much in the future :p
A girl I used to know got shagged by BonJovi. Anyone else been had by him? I think he gave me the eye but I would have turned him down anyway.
Actually yes, it was the summer of '87 and I was staying in Southern California and working in a small cafe. One night I had to go to Walgreens to pick up afew items, and who would've guessed it, but Bon Jovi was standing there looking at Low Rider Magazine. Well I got all flustered and pretended to drop smth by his feet. When he picked it up he saw how I lusted after him..... and to make a long story short he took me back to his tour bus and the whole band pulled a train on me.

Nick (For Real)
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