Post a random fact about yourself

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I wanted to change my avatar for one below, but FUCK!!!

fact: my birthday is twenty days before rahvin's birthday and our birthdates sum to a number that can not be a date, but just barely. more information will follow to turn this into a proper exciting logic puzzle.

fact2: being sober harms my sleep. seriously.
Fact: Im back after 5 days at my parents house. 5 boring days without internet, friends and whatever. just snow and boredom. I spend the most time with sleeping and watching the whole season 1 of Battlestar Galactica.(And I bought a new mountainbike*g*)
Fact: since my medical practitioner has told me I've got to stay at home, take my medicine and relax I can sleep almost all of the time.
fact: drunk again so i will be able to sleep. tomorrow and sunday i will just work out, listen to music, and sleep more.
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