Fact : I'm taking a break of my original avatar. Might come back sometime but right now, it's a cow and a dolphin. 

UndoControl said:Helloween - In the middle of a heartbeat
^ 17 plays in three days.
That's more than the usual playcount for a song in my music library.
UndoControl said:Rahvin: What are you implying, dammit?
Oh, how very kind of you. *hearts you*rahvin said:i'll bullet-point it for you, because i'm that kind of person.
I actually see it as a semi-cheesy ballad for romantics who look forward to a better future than the present they live in, romantically speaking.rahvin said:
- helloween's in the middle of a heartbeat is a cheesy ballad for the broken-hearted, whose sappy lyrics and emotional music are like a short documentary about seals dying of pneumonia
Rahvin, i think you've already won that award... every single year.rahvin said:
- you've heard it 17 times. not in your whole life, which would be bad enough and make you a competitor for the "people who shapeshift into a perfect teddy bear" award, but in the past three days, which is probably illegal in some countries
That seems like an awful lot of work just to get rid of feelings. An easier solution would be to allow enough pain in my life to make me want to become numb and thus not allow myself to feel anymore. Also, why would i want to get rid of (some of) my feelings? You're right in that they've been a mess in the last few months, but i like the ones that currently inhabit my "fluffy red thing" (by the way, it's in the middle-left of my chest, in case you were talking about the fluffy red thing i think you were talking about).rahvin said:
- ergo you're either trying to single-handedly control the world market when it comes to the production of sugar, or the fluffy red thing to the center-right of your chest has taken over the control room, out of melancholy, sadness, regret, desperate hope, and a number of other things i cannot possibly know, except for the fact that at some point they contain the words light and eyes. there's also a pronoun somewhere between the two, or my name is not hard to pronounce by an english speaker anymore
- ergo i was trying to offer a solution, which also happens to be the only possible solution to the case in point, no matter how many times anybody will tell you otherwise. don't listen to them, listen to me. they are the rounded child-proof edges of clumsy plastic scissors while i'm the sharp, almost-invisible piece of steel wire that causes all those freaky accidents in the meat-processing industry. also, they stink
- and the solution is: go to the grocery store. buy some pineapples and get a grocery bag for each. drive home, empty the bags, go to your room. lock yourself in. sit on the bed and meticulously list all of your emotions. put them in the bags. (i made you get plenty 'cause you've been a mess of feelings since you got here, so i suspect you must have hundreds of the buggers.) put heavy stones from your yard in the bags too, if you have a yard. if you don't, commit trespass and get the stones from a nearby house. then put the feeling of guilt for committing trespass in a bag, as well. seal the bags with tape. drive to the nearest bridge. actually, make it one a little farther away, you don't want the emotions to be traced back to you when they find them. toss the bags off the bridge. drive back home. never, ever listen to in the middle of a heartbeat again
I wasn't wondering. I think i'm smart enough to figure that out all by myself. No wonder you'd have me steal stones from my neighbor's yard but not plastic bags from the supermarket.rahvin said:
- in case you're wondering, the pineapples are for me
UndoControl said:I actually see it as a semi-cheesy ballad for romantics who look forward to a better future than the present they live in, romantically speaking.
Rahvin, i think you've already won that award... every single year.
That seems like an awful lot of work just to get rid of feelings.
An easier solution would be to allow enough pain in my life to make me want to become numb and thus not allow myself to feel anymore.
Also, why would i want to get rid of (some of) my feelings?
You're right in that they've been a mess in the last few months, but i like the ones that currently inhabit my "fluffy red thing"
(by the way, it's in the middle-left of my chest, in case you were talking about the fluffy red thing i think you were talking about).
I really didn't expect this kind of talk from you. You must be in an irritable mood or something, or else you can't stand the thought of someone listening to a song you obviously dislike.rahvin said:romantics always look forward to a future that's better than the present they live in. that's the kind of kick they get from a not-so-good present, on account of being romantics, while other people only get a vicious kick in the groin, on account of having less free time. also, romantics are always speaking romantically, because it's so very romantic not to know when to stop.
Okay, so what if i like to listen to cheesy songs now and then? Be glad that i'm listening to that instead of Stone Sour's Bother (since you seem to be in the mood for reading and over-analyzing song lyrics, why don't you read the lyrics to that song and realize it's a pretty depressng (and, yes, "cheesy" by your definition) song?).rahvin said:[Overanalysis of "In the middle of a heartbeat"]
Sorry to pop your bubble here, but more than once i've wished i was completely numb.rahvin said:there's never gonna be enough pain in your life to make you want to become numb. you're going to justify it, explain it away, call it temporary, or dismiss it as a legitimate price to pay. then you're probably even going to grow fond of it, thinking it makes you more human, or more like a bear, if you're lucky.
Dammit, Rahvin, you caught me again. I guess i'll have to close the window when i howl so nobody can hear me.rahvin said:if the fact that you're listening to in the middle of a heartbeat without - i imagine - howling ceaselessly and carving out your eyes with a dirty spoon is not enough, then i'd say you should want to get rid of your feelings because they might be catching.
Oh, well, if we're going to start using DT metaphors about fluffy red things then i've always said that mine is "a heart that beats the wrong way", but, you know, i actually like it that way.rahvin said:i was, and i was assuming it was in the wrong place. oh, the shame of not being able to use a metaphor that dt managed to handle so smoothly!
UndoControl said:I really didn't expect this kind of talk from you. You must be in an irritable mood or something, or else you can't stand the thought of someone listening to a song you obviously dislike.
Okay, so what if i like to listen to cheesy songs now and then?
Sorry to pop your bubble here, but more than once i've wished i was completely numb.
Oh, well, if we're going to start using DT metaphors about fluffy red things then i've always said that mine is "a heart that beats the wrong way", but, you know, i actually like it that way.
Not offensive. But i did miss that fact. Thanks for pointing it out, you sick, sick person.rahvin said:i'm not sure i understand what it is you found offensive in my comment. so you really missed the fact that i was trying to cheer you up / distract you / offer a different angle to your view? and this because i skipped a few appeasing emoticons? come on.
*puts rocket launcher away* Oh, okay then. No hard feelings.rahvin said:i'm not, at present, boarding a plane to mexico in the hope to unplug your stereo before it's too late.
I fail to see the meaning of that oh-so-enigmatic (.) you put there, but 1) i'm not upset, 2) thanks for the good intentions and 3) i look forward to reading your analysis of that song.rahvin said:i thought if you could laugh at those lyrics you'd feel less (.) upset about whatever it is you're upset about. once a regular comes up with an obsession for that stone sour song, and i decide i care enough to comment, and i have forgot all about the result i have achieved today, i'll analyze that one. but not now.
Tell you what: if all goes well and my plan (not the one to take over UM; another one i'm cooking up) works, in summer i'll be close enough to Italy to be able to drop by and bring you a truckload of pineapples. Deal?rahvin said:but you didn't go to the grocery store. or you didn't buy pineapples. the pineapples are essential to the plan.
UndoControl said:I fail to see the meaning of that oh-so-enigmatic (.) you put there,
Tell you what: if all goes well and my plan (not the one to take over UM; another one i'm cooking up) works, in summer i'll be close enough to Italy to be able to drop by and bring you a truckload of pineapples. Deal?