Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: My GF's new laptop just bested me in her list of priorities.. well I guess it's ok, I'll murder its batteries tonight.. ;)
rahvin said:
*comforts undocontrol with the grace of a blind whale*
there, there, old chap.

was just making a joke on the "since i'm alive part", assuming it would be weird if you had had command of concepts such as beauty and dissonance when you were a toddler.

nothing going on here. me. making jokes. you know. ;)

Hehe, an even cooler interpretation would be that Undos screaming as a toddler was actually finding beauty in dissonance (you know, the intuitive, unbiased way and all :) ), which he lost when he learned to talk and actually started to have a clearer idea of beauty and dissonance. I thought you meant that. :)
Taliesin said:
Fact: My GF's new laptop just bested me in her list of priorities.. well I guess it's ok, I'll murder its batteries tonight.. ;)

You can always try, now I will sleep with the laptop under my pillow to prevent that terrible horrible crime :lol:

Was just the first day I had it, tommorow I wont use it that much :)
Dark_Silence said:
Was just the first day I had it, tommorow I wont use it that much :)
The fact that you already started replying to him through the net isn't very encouraging, you know. :p
Siren said:
@undies: probably not as bad as argentinian soap operas though. :p

just to nitpick for the sake of nitpicking, latin america is the source of many telenovelas, but hardly any soap opera. they are very different formats, although i don't feel like expanding on the subject, at the moment. the bold and the beautiful is a soap opera, and so are most similar products made in the states. central and south america specialize in the other form of seriality.

they're both pretty horrible, to be honest.
UndoControl said:
Rahvin: Would anyone other than you, me and maybe Siren have known what we were talking about if we had said 'telenovelas'? ;)

what is the point of showing off if no one is impressed? i'm still waiting for my cohorts of notworthy and worship emoticons, and they better come soon 'cause i'm getting depressed, tonight.
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