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@rahvin: you're only getting those from me if you go on and expand on the differences between soap operas and telenovelas. i want to be impressed.
Siren said:
@rahvin: you're only getting those from me if you go on and expand on the differences between soap operas and telenovelas. i want to be impressed.

undo is an easier audience to please. :(

basically, however many episodes a telenovela can be made of, the idea of an end is incorporated in the main storyline: a main plot occurs during the course of 8 or 800 episodes, usually focusing on the (mis)adventures of a single hero or heroine. the 30-minutes-long episodes show the same lack of consistency that can be witnessed in soap operas, with characters changing sides every other week and sub-plots quickly abandoned never to appear again. still, the script behind telenovelas is a whole.

on the contrary, soap operas are meant from the start to be composed of an infinite number of episodes. clearly, this can hardly ever turn out to be the case, but it doesn't change the fact that no all-encompassing story-arc is present. plots follow one another without reason or rhyme, sometimes at a faster pace than in telenovelas, and the storyline leads absolutely nowhere: people who get married will divorce, missing loved ones will reappear, villains will experience memory loss and turn good, then evil again, then good again. the process is meant to be repeated as many times as possible, while many different script-writers work on simultaneous plots that develop during the course of short, static scenes based on dialogue punctuated by the occasional dramatic action, always captured only in the stillness of its commencing or ending.
Despite the fact that you seem to have watched too many of them, here's your prize.

:worship: :notworthy :worship: :notworthy :worship: :notworthy :worship: :notworthy :worship: :notworthy :worship: :notworthy :worship: :notworthy

also, here's your very own german smilie:

that's actually a zak mc cracken smiley.

i find your denouncing of german smilies rather fascistic, by the way :p
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