Post a random fact about yourself

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Yeah, see you all! I'll stick around, since I don't have any special plans and I'm not going somewhere either. Besides, I have to work normally next week.
well, see you all soon :wave:
i'm not going anywhere.
no actually i'll be away from the 30th to the 3rd or something like that. i don't know why someone should care but i'm following the announcement trend.

edit: ehm, wrong smilie :hypno:
Hiljainen said:

Fact: tonight i had a dream about norton antivirus. and unfortunately it didn't involve edward norton :(
Fact: The above comment is funny to me on so many lebels it's just scary.... or rather sad really. :(
fact: many times while having a nightmare, i recognize the setting from a previous nightmare.
Hiljainen said:
Fact: tonight i had a dream about norton antivirus. and unfortunately it didn't involve edward norton :(
:lol: you win again. please tell me what happens in a dream involving norton antivirus. :lol:

fact: i'm up way past my bedtime again.
hyena said:
:lol: you win again. please tell me what happens in a dream involving norton antivirus. :lol:
:p well, it was cleaning up my computer, but i think it had some troubles and it was also protecting everyone from evil things or something similar, it was a rather scary dream, i can't recall if we were in trouble in spite of our brave norton or if norton turned evil after some time.
i wish i remembered my dreams better :p
Somber Soul said:
Yeah, see you all! I'll stick around, since I don't have any special plans and I'm not going somewhere either. Besides, I have to work normally next week.
heheheh, the same for me!!!
actually work increases in Xmas time! :loco:
pretty tired...:zzz:

:wave: to all who are going to leave :wave:
Merry Xmas​
Fact: I hate to be at work right now when basically everyone else has a Christmas vacation :bah:
Fact2: I want to sleep :zzz:
Fact3: Started having abdomen pain again, after 4 weeks that is :erk:
Fact: I've lived with the fall-out of an in-grown toenail for the best part of several years
Fact: I wish I could physically see musical waves move through space-time and affect everything they touch.
Fact: I'm wearing a light/pastel-coloured shirt for the first time in ages.
fact1: I´m writing an essay for religion´s ethics -course: "society as a punisher", any thoughts?
fact2: haven´t shaved for 2 weeks - i´m living on the edge. :loco:
fact3: I played yesterday two games with my friends and observed at least one in Warcraft III.. i´m starting to like the game.
fact4: I have started playing games again. Soldier Of Fortune 2 is fuking boriink. Smashing soldiers to little pieces with shotgun+knife is fun at first, but the maps are soooo unplayable. :(
fact5: just hurt my chin while doing blackmetal-posing along with this silly synthbm-band. should have listened while mother told not to do faces or they will remain on.
fact6: I have no clue how to say that phrase above with the language, which makes sense and doesn´t sound like an ass. :grin:
Hiljainen said:
i'm in love with this game :grin: try it
level 16 at the moment .
Fact: i played again and now i'm stuck at level 40. i really have a lot of spare time :p
Fact: i have to wash clothes or soon i'll have to wander for the town in a bathrobe
Fact: i was made for wasting time with computer games, not to be useful in some way

edit: just finished it :grin: now i can go to be useful
My computer died some month ago. i hate it because i play lot of warcraft 3. Now i got new parts at my computer but i havent play. How this is possible. When i cant play i want play. when i can play, i dont want to play.
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