Post a random fact about yourself

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I was having trouble sleeping (an insomniac for about 3 years) told my acupuncturist about it and She stuck a few needles in me and now I'm sleeping 12 to 15 hours a day. Before I was lucky to sleep that much in a week. I don't think this is a good thing, hoping this can be reversed ?
Northern Viking said:
I think I gained some weight since I moved in here.. I think I know why I dont own a.. weight.. thingy.. bah you know what I mean ;)
finally someone else that calls them weight things in english :p
i don't own one either, my weighings (??) are random, last time it was a weird attempt to weigh my cat at my grandma's, and i found out i was lighter than before.
Hiljainen said:
last time it was a weird attempt to weigh my cat at my grandma's, and i found out i was lighter than before.
ehm... i'm not sure i understand. you put your cat on the scale (=weight-thing, or at least i guess that's the name - not sure tho) and then you found out that you'd lost weight? like, you read the cat's weight and went "oooh! i used to be more or less 40kg more than that last month!"? wow. :tickled:
hyena said:
ehm... i'm not sure i understand. you put your cat on the scale (=weight-thing, or at least i guess that's the name - not sure tho) and then you found out that you'd lost weight? like, you read the cat's weight and went "oooh! i used to be more or less 40kg more than that last month!"? wow. :tickled:
pffffffffff :p cats are impossible to keep still, so i weighed myself with and without the cat in my arms
-I just bought some good scotch so I have some whenever I feel like it :)
-I still dont understand shit about what we're doing in math's currently and the book I bought doesnt help! Argh!
-I'll have some tea now and maybe the world will look kinder in 20 minutes

oh and.. Hiljaclause is one clever girl :p Id have tried to get the cat on the scale all day :tickled:
speaking of weight variations, I recently meausred my weight and discovered I had 11-12 kilos less than a while ago and I I hadn't even realized :dopey:
a ..ehm..friend of mine just told me that he received another message from a girl that once was our friend (she was my bestfriend, after finding a boyfriend and sending us all fuck off she kept sending us text messages only to invite us when she played with her band or was on tv) telling him she played with her band tonight and to go see her bla bla bla. his answer was wonderful, this guy never ceases to amaze me :grin:
fact: i need to see a doctor before christmas, the pain in my right shoulder never goes away no matter what i do. ouch. fuck.
I hate lasting pains like that... I had one in my shoulder that came and stayed for days if ever slightly strained or used my right arm. It went away on its own in the end, but it did prohibit my skating activities for about 6 months.

FACT: There's a family of squirels in my garden and they're eating me out of house and home. The British squirel is such a deadly breed.
Fact: I am lazy. I am using the computer from my bed. Too lazy to sit on a chair. :)
@pmc: i play left-handed so it's not RSI... i fell from a staircase last year and that's when it all began. pffff.

fact: my head is spinning.
-I have a shitload of work to do this week but I sort of have a plan, which "squareroots" the work..
-Im being surrounded by too many engineers talking in weird terms.. one of my costudents looked at a chair today and described it as "sufficiently uncomfortable, by the looks of it" and we were like "Wtf? What's that language?" and he just said "We're studying to become Engineers, live with it!" lol :p
fact 1: I am not sober.
fact 2: I am drinking Ouzo.
fact 3: I got from work recently.
fact 4: I'm feeling happy despite all the shit that's been goin' on lately.
fact 5: here comes the food deliverer :D
NV said:
-Im being surrounded by too many engineers talking in weird terms.. one of my costudents looked at a chair today and described it as "sufficiently uncomfortable, by the looks of it" and we were like "Wtf? What's that language?" and he just said "We're studying to become Engineers, live with it!" lol :p
haha! omg what a geek! you should've put him in a reactive ion bombardment chamber, that'd teach him! lolll!!1
We made him integrate his ass over the chair's surface and had a good differentiation of the wheat-cookies and coffee function while he was busy.. lesson learned
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