Post Last CD you listened to - Rate out of 10

Twilight - Monument to Time End

solid 8/10 imo, far better than the debut. production is better (done @ volume studios, as opposed to sending mp3s back and forth) and it sounds like a lot of the songwriting was done by blake/turner with wrest contributing some amazing riffs as well.
2.) Of Mice & Men - Of Mice & Men (6/10)
Production on this album is great, except i feel like the vocals are a little fatiguing. They seem to dominate the mix. Plus, Austin's vocals were much more ranged in AA! They seem to stay in a really tiring mid-range scream in this album.

I personally would have to give this album a better than a 6. just because its not the typical synth-breakdown-core every metalcore/screamo band is trying to do right now. I like how they keep it straight forward the whole time and arent trying to be that one "different" band that ends up sounding the same as everything else right now.

i actually thought this album was going to sound like buttholes colliding (material wise, i knew joey would make is sound amazing) but i was very surprised when the album dropped.

personally i would give it an 8/10
2.) Of Mice & Men - Of Mice & Men (6/10)
Production on this album is great, except i feel like the vocals are a little fatiguing. They seem to dominate the mix. Plus, Austin's vocals were much more ranged in AA! They seem to stay in a really tiring mid-range scream in this album.

9/10 IMO ..
attack attack! - someday came suddently

I'm going to be objective so apart from me hating the band, there's a few riffs and ideas in a few songs that I like. Actually, I think the first half of Catfish Soup is pretty kickass... The chorus is annoyingly catchy and makes me forget my hate for autotune for a sec, for some reason. maybe I'm emo like that

no idea how to rate this. this is one of those bands you just seem to hate but if they came around I'd probably go see them live :zombie: drunk and with some friends obviously, but I would go. :goggly:
Sunn O))) - White 2
This was one of the few I wasn't so keen on previously, but this one's grown on me suddenly.
Triptykon - 10/10 Amazing, album of the year without a doubt
Cathedral - The Guessing Game 9/10 Excellent in a 60's pyschedelic prog way
Slash - Slash 5/10

What a let down. Mediocre to downright pathetic. All the guest appearances don't add anything to the songs. The only song worthy of a good listen is the instrumental. Now why can't Slash go more towards that direction?

Death - Spiritual Healing - 9/10 - awesome album :D
I'm not going to rate it yet, but - Deftones - Diamond Eyes - They have really mixed the 8 string into their own style, it sounds much better than Saturday Night Wrist :D
Fear Factory - Mechanize - 7/10 - some cool moment, but I wanted to hear more of the 8 string
Fear Factory - Demanufacture - 9/10 - high tech brutality!
Death - Spiritual Healing - 9/10 - awesome album :D
I'm not going to rate it yet, but - Deftones - Diamond Eyes - They have really mixed the 8 string into their own style, it sounds much better than Saturday Night Wrist :D

So far what I've heard from Diamond Eyes has me very very excited.
Nile - Those Whom The Gods Detest 8,5/10

Got the album since it was released but I just have to write something about it now.
The sound is great and fits the band perfectly, especially the guitars rule, I love the "gain on 11/10" guitars on this one.
I am not a fan of US death metal but the songs grew more and more on me, Karl Sanders did a killer job at songwriting on this record, all the songs have more of those memorable moments and just stay in your fucking head.
Negative things:
No Sanders growling (nonetheless Dallas did a good job)
Kollias' fills (can't stand them a single bit)