Post random pics of yourself

satan :)

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ok :)
wow, i miss al the interesting conversations.

I've been here for 2 months and I have spent like 1.200 euros :) thanks satün my family gave me money to live here the first 3 months :loco:

Why did you move to Sweden? Its a long way from Chile, but then again, who hasn't had the "I want to move to sweden NOW' thought. I just seems so cool!!!
I've contemplated moving overseas, see the motherland and family and shit but in the end moving from Canada to another first world country isn't a particularly worthwhile move. It wouldn't be that much of a change, even the weather here is similar, although I think Norway is colder and Scotland is kind of dreary and probably a step down.
I didn't move for financial reasons at all, I had no monetary problems back in in chile, last year I didn't work at all :)... I came here cause I want to record the music I write while living in a calm place... I can do that in chile but in different cities, santiago is one huge metropolis with lots of cool bands, gigs and places to go but I also like nature and coldness, so the south of chile would be like living in norway or something... wanted both so I moved to sweden since this is place to be when it comes to death metal and winter.
u speak the truth. My motivation to leave oz is the weather and culture also, i want to see what the world has to offer. Being in Europe and being so close to so many other countries, the travel possibilities make my head spin. We are so far from everything here so it costs a fortune to fly anywhere.
same with chile, so isolated from the whole world yet the south of chile might be the best place I have ever been... I just like music, that's why I'm here otherwise I would be living in frutillar or maybe in the deep south in tierra del fuego... I miss chile damn it :(


wow. that looks pretty. the houses look cool, where is that? Its funny, u miss Chile but are currently living in the place i would give one arm and a leg to move to :(
oh that's frutillar, south of chile... it's just that I think is the most beautiful place I have ever been so when I think of chile I think of that city... I'm here because I want to, but I still miss my friends and family, it's not like it's easy to move to another country, what's sweden plus? the music of course, otherwise I would be in chile no questions ask. deserts & forests, mountains & beachs, valleys & cities, damn I miss it :mad:
I don't understand why people, even here, hate (even non) lazy immigrants, they are like you, helping the country to develop in one way or another.

people who do nothing and live off of welfare doesn't develop the country in any way whatsoever except making it worse

the whole thing is against problematic inmigrants, not lazy or anything, just problematic people, why someone goes so far from home to unleash havoc? ridiculous, sadly, most people doing that here in sweden are refugees, it may sound wrong, I know, but that's the truth.

it feels great that someone who's not from sweden understands this
We have similar problems here. Immigrants creating areas that resemble their home country and causing major issues with all the integrated people, also refugees are a huge political issue here at the moment.
Hello maja. I'm doing an MBA course, which keeps me busy for about 14-16 hours every day, so i've had no time to post lately.