Post some good 'ol metal in this thread

I think I'm the only one that really loves Lugburz. Not their best album, but it's fantastic nonetheless.
I think I'm the only one that adores and sometimes makes myself uncomfortably comfortable with Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame. It rox my cox.
MFJ said:
hell yes!

i'll upload some obscure Absu song in this thread tonight. They do NOT get enough respect around here. Seriously, I usually hate black/thrash stuff like this, and I've never really gotten into thrash at all- but Absu is for some reason one of my favorite bands. Simply top-notch.

I bet I've heard it hump-million times. My buddy is a raging absu nut. Like... nutty nut nuts.
Décadent said:
I think I'm the only one that adores and sometimes makes myself uncomfortably comfortable with Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame. It rox my cox.

I really like that one as well and don't really see why people (who tend to enjoy Summoing) dislike it. Sure it's different from Minas Morgul but personally it evokes the same feelings as that one. I guess the samples could be written off as too cheesy but I think they work really well, especially: So, we come to it in the end *one of the best parts of the album*
I really really really like it, as well. Songs like "Our Foes Shall Fall" and "Runes of Power" are just pure class. Not to mention the epic goodness that is "The Mountain King's Return"!

EDIT! OOO, and "Ashen Cold", YES YES YES YES!!! A great and fanastically consistent album! Summoning just steps on and crushes like virtually any other black metal band that's around today...
Ellestin said:
True on raw song value, but nothing matches the lasting and magical immersion at the heart of Middle Earth that is "Dol Guldur"

never understood why everyone praises this one so much. Minas Morgul, Stronghold, Nightshade Forest, and now Oath Bound are far superior.

it's almost too synthy, and lacking in guitars for even summoning
I'm not sure if I prefer all of them to Dol Guldur, but I definitely think Minas Morgul is.
I think it's already been mentioned, but the best thing about Oath Bound it the fuckin' CHOIR sections at the end of both Might and Glory and Land of the Dead. They should have had that in every song!
Doom said:
I think it's already been mentioned, but the best thing about Oath Bound it the fuckin' CHOIR sections at the end of both Might and Glory and Land of the Dead. They should have had that in every song!

If Summoning started making more songs like Land of the Dead the could quickly become one my favourite bands. That choir is so.fucking.awesome.
I can listen to that song on repeat over and over without getting sick of it.
land of the dead is GREAT, instant summoning classic

but "khazad dúm" is still their best song

p.s. download my uploads of ass-kickin' heavy fucken metal ^