Well, there are 2 things here:
Firstly (and I expect to get flamed ENDLESSLY for this), is the song 'Heatwave'. Basically, the story behind this song is that we had recorded a serious song that I had written, and it sounded really cool, just needed vocals to be added. And then, we came in the next day, and the machine had wiped it from its memory!!!! I was gutted! And basically, I had an hour before I needed to go to the Wickerman festival, so we wrote and recorded a NOVELTY SONG!!!! Gay, I know, but we think that, taken past demo version, we could work wonders in the Eurovision

. It fuses bad 70's rock with techno. Woohoo! I'm on ALL vox and lead synth.
The second thing is more serious. In the same sessions, we jammed out this track. I only play keys on this one, and being a limited musician my playing is FAR from exceptional. But my friend Lewis engineered the track pretty well (given our limited equipment), and added vox to it later. He runs a project called 'Warped Memories', and they are pretty amazing given that he is only 16. Very talented guy. Basically, this track impresses me immensely, given that it was basically 3 guys who couldn't really be arsed, havin a jam, and it turning out like this. NOT METAL!! See what you think, anyway...