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  • Good, I like it.

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Nah! Its totally disaster.

    Votes: 13 30.2%

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did you hook up at the show? great playing man. how about a new video?

I didn't actually :( My girlfriend at the time who was gonna buy the tickets kinda didn't. I never met Ermin, but i DID spend a lot of time with other, former Opeth forum members (SullenJester, Klaha, Kushantaiidan, biznatch, Yayo (of When Day Descends)). t'was good times.

I'll record some new videos soon. I got a new PC that's windows XP 64, and apparently logitech are pieces of shit and don't have a driver for my camera that works for it, so i can't record any video's yet. What solo would you like me to learn? I can give it a try!