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What do you think?

  • Good, I like it.

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Nah! Its totally disaster.

    Votes: 13 30.2%

  • Total voters
Great playing, terrible tone. The solo wasn't quite up to the par of how it's performed on the album, but pretty sick nonetheless.
I'm listening to it right now, nice job! I'm going to try putting vocals on it later tonight (you skipped the long scream part, though).
Really good playing. Especially the solos. The drum sounds are a bit bad but not horrible, at least they're not buried in the mix. The drum PROGRAMMING is good. The guitar tone is a bit too dry for my tastes. Good work. :kickass:
thanks a lot everybody for the comments... i agree about the drums and the guitars sounding kinda bad, but I don't know exactly how to improve them. i guess i need some better equipment, i just don't know what. but keep the comments coming and i can't wait to hear the vocals, Illidan.
I'm gonna record them now - I'll see if it's at the same tempo as the original. If not, I'll just put it on my iPod and listen to it with headphones while I growl/sing to it.
Yeah I didn't notice this thread was from '03 and I went and downloaded the player just for it before I realized :( :( :(