Post your band info/music recordings here

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  • Good, I like it.

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Nah! Its totally disaster.

    Votes: 13 30.2%

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sorry bud.....but yeah ....rather unimpressive....!!!.....not only can u not sing....but ure lyrics are kindda uninspired and unoriginal too.......well keep sure Hendrix didnt come out playing Voodoo chile from his mommas u knwo waht......Keep rockin...!!!.....PEAC EOUT
It needs to go where people post their own recordings, as usual, here. This thread somehow got past me and the only reason this is still here is so we can have this conversation, and so the OP can be corrected. I'm moving it in 5 minutes.
fuck off waz

so i can get banned for makin a thread where its not supposed to be...yet htis filty spweing idiot is allowed to say what he wants...????......suepr cool standard u guys have here....its still teh same i tell ya.......PEAC EOUT
you're an annoying cunt who types worse than my 13 year old sister does on AIM. you've been registered for like 2 years now and you STILL haven't dropped the gimmick. who's spewing filth?
you're an annoying cunt who types worse than my 13 year old sister does on AIM

So samsara what are we gonna do about excessive name calling and stuff.....??? i jsut gonna get banned coz i caused him to talk liek this...??....PEAC EOUT
you've been registered for like 2 years now. you were cute for 2 weeks. drop the fucking stupid, annoying gimmick. don't fill the off-topic forum with threads about your stupid videos. nobody feels sorry for you.
you've been registered for like 2 years now. you were cute for 2 weeks. drop the fucking stupid, annoying gimmick. don't fill the off-topic forum with threads about your stupid videos. nobody feels sorry for you.

i dont knwo wahts more disturbing......u finding somebody cute on the internet coz of thier typing.....or u comparing ure 13 yo sister to an annoying cunt.....!!!...PEAC EOUT
Wow, did a shit topic just get merged in?

Anyway, @ Cranky

Edit: I see you've got a lot of songs online, I'll check 'em out tomorrow!

I just listened to some of your stuff, it's nice! Nice mixes, solid songs, some of your riffs have quite an old-skool sound, pretty cool. I don't have to much time to listen right now, but keep up the good work! What's your recording setup? The mixes are pretty neat.
Wow, did a shit topic just get merged in?

Anyway, @ Cranky

I just listened to some of your stuff, it's nice! Nice mixes, solid songs, some of your riffs have quite an old-skool sound, pretty cool. I don't have to much time to listen right now, but keep up the good work! What's your recording setup? The mixes are pretty neat.

Thanks mate.

I'm playing with my Jackson guitar (and sometimes with my Epiphone) through a crappy Zoom 505-II, which is connected to the line input of my sound card. Then the sound goes to Cakewalk Sonar, and I use this thing called Revalver guitar amp simulator to beef the guitar tone, which really helps a lot. I use programmed drums and bass. I'm hoping to get a real bass when I get enough money.
If anyone is confused, this is from 2 pages back (haven't been here in a while).

Opethian666 said:
Since I broke my jaw...

Seance said:
ouch how'd that happen?

I tried to give head to myself but overestimated how far I could open my mouth.

Now seriously, I got really really drunk, then biked back home from the pub, and about 300 meters from where I live, there's a little mountain that I have to pass, so I start standing on my pedals to gain speed, and suddenly my bike chain gets loose, and because of the sudden loss of speed I'm thrown against the road on the left side of my face, left shoulder and left knee (the only thing I broke was the jaw, for the rest I just had a lot of surface wounds). What's funny is that I didn't fall because I got drunk (which is wierd since I don't remember anything from that day since 4 am and I started going back home at 6 am), but because of the stupid bike chain. I even got lucky that I was drunk since a mate rode with me to make sure I got home ok, so he could call my parents to drive me to the hospital (I was unconscious) and tell me what happened in the pub and during the drive home in the period of time that is now a void to me (I forgot what happened because I was drunk + had a minor concussion). Anyway, I wasn't allowed to chew for 3 weeks since my jaw was put back into place (part of it was pushed inwards, so my face looked a bit asymmetric for the week until the operation), but today I was able to eat my first pizza in a month. Goodbye yoghurt, pudding, and everything else that I had to eat tons of in the past weeks :erk:.

Anyway, looks like many people have posted their recordings, I'll probably check them out and comment if I find the time. And maybe I can finally get back to my own recordings.
had some buddies over earlier tonight, and one of them had a nice set of bi-neural microphones attached to his ipod, and decided to record us screwing around -

the guy with the ipod (also a producer/recording engineer) is playing my djembe, i'm on the drums (excuse my weaksauce attempt, i've only been playing for about 6 months), and my friend David is playing guitar

just wanted to get some feedback, i was AMAZED at the sound quality - i'd love to take those microphones to a concert and bootleg some could play it back EXACTLY as you originally heard it.


Here's for the fans of ambience, 8 minutes of random noises :D
Made this cause I was bored and was at the time inspired by Devin Townsends ambient records. The beginning is really loud, sorry for that, but I wanted it that way. Sounds like a war at times. I guess this sounds better while wearing earphones, good ones.
I only used a guitar, V-amp 2 and then "mixed" the sounds completely randomly with an old version of Cubase and some Creative program. Haha I don't have any clue how that actually works but I still managed to create this.
Oh, and FYI... I'm no guitarist, I really suck at playing that. I'm a drummer.
i knew if i senselessly screamed at people long enough you'd get sig material

and good lord Opethian. i hated when the chain would come off my bike, but i never had anything like that happen as a result. i'd usually just go "hey, all the sudden it's really easy to pedal but i'm not speeding up." that sucks though. maybe if you weren't wasted you could've caught yourself, but poop happens