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^ Your DIE stuff still rules Niel. Haven't checked the other projects out I must say. What's your most recent stuff?

I thought I'd post here since I have a new song out on my Iumentus page. It's a huge improvement over my previous tracks. As of right now it's instrumental.

check out "For Ages Ahead". No crap talk until you hear it plz.

Pretty cool! Needs vocals though, imo.
Thanks for the compliments, guys. I'm not used to hearing them. :erk:

Anyway, I took down all of the older tracks on my page and put up two brand new ones. I'm tired of having crappy demos on the page, so I have only new songs on here.

Speaking of that, there is new (currently instrumental) song called "Back In The Village" up if anyone wants to check it out.
^ Your DIE stuff still rules Niel. Haven't checked the other projects out I must say. What's your most recent stuff?

Pretty cool! Needs vocals though, imo.

The most recent DIE song is this one: Our hymn to church burning!

DIE played a few live shows last year and a few this year as well, but we have had trouble maintaining a steady lineup...I have taken up audio engineering and have worked with several bands since I moved back to Orlando two and a half years ago. It's been pretty fun and kept me busy.

The two newest DIE songs will be completed soon, one is a collaboration with Dave Caswell from When Day Descends...I am also itching to start a Norwegian style black metal tribute project, I have been practicing my blastbeats in the garage and am ready to record it with my cell phone to get the "tR00" production style!

DIE myspace:
The most recent DIE song is this one: Our hymn to church burning!

Alright, that's good stuff right there!

DIE played a few live shows last year and a few this year as well, but we have had trouble maintaining a steady lineup...I have taken up audio engineering and have worked with several bands since I moved back to Orlando two and a half years ago. It's been pretty fun and kept me busy.

The two newest DIE songs will be completed soon, one is a collaboration with Dave Caswell from When Day Descends...I am also itching to start a Norwegian style black metal tribute project, I have been practicing my blastbeats in the garage and am ready to record it with my cell phone to get the "tR00" production style!

I love Dave's stuff, looking forward to those tracks! Haha, that cell-phone BM production sounds interesting too.

I just listened to some SMOA stuff, it's pretty awesome too.
The type of music I really want to write is metal, but since I can't play guitar nor recreate a decent guitar sound, I am forced to other alternatives. In this song I decided to replace the guitar sound with a mix of organ and strings. The sound quality isn't so great, but I plan on adding a lot more and perhaps even vocals! Anyways, The Fugue of Death!:

not the kind of music i listen to, but gets interesting towards the end. :)
My band's stuff is in my sig. Those are some demos that got recorded in my basement. The production is not so great, and everything was recorded on one track with a $20 mic, but it came out well in spite of that. The first two songs are folky black metal. The third doesn't really have any folk influence. If you only have time to listen to one track, pick the second.

basement and cheap know thats krieg =)
definitely some worthy moments in there. vicissitude gets interesting after 1.40...i enjoy that kind of experimentaion in black metal so that was my cup of tea. cheers
My band's latest release (from Dec. 2006) can be found streaming here. I hope you all enjoy it. If you have any feedback, good or bad, please post on our UltimateMetal Forum.


hey that "new revelation" crushes...a nice blend of in flames' melodic structure and modern american metal. again, not the kind of music i listen to anymore these days, but great all the same.
Right, here's my debut, my project is called 'Amber Streams', and it's instrumental progressive metal. I uploaded the first fully recorded song just now, it's called 'Myriad'.

I recorded all guitars with a V-Amp Pro and a Rode NT-2, cheap stuff, so it's not superb quality. I recorded and mixed everything myself, it's my first big recording. All other instruments are VST. The bass should have been recorded live, but because there are lots of delays I decided to leave it with the VST for now and release it, as it's been sitting around for quite some months now.

The mix wasn't too loud so I kicked the shit out of it, and MySpace butchered it too, so the online version is much worse than the real one. Anyway I'm really interested in what you think, this is the link:

There's also an excerpt from another song which is even older, but it hasn't been recorded decently yet (don't know if I every will).

i just listened to myriad...first of all, before anything else: i enjoyed listening to that song. yes, a big opeth influence in there but overall, i'd say this is a very well-thought out, original effort. keep up the good work.

oh and i found the keys in the acoustic section of the track to be a bit cheesy...not my cup of tea but yeah many people love that feel. just my 2 cents :)
I recently bought a fairly nice mic and to break it in I decided to do a cover of Opeth's To Rid the Disease. So, I recorded all the parts with my piano (even the guitar parts, which was hard getting the tone decent). I wrote the drum part out in a midi program and played that through the piano as well. Then I added my vocals which aren't too bad. The "I have lost all trust in you" part is a bit too high for my range so it sounds a little off, but it's close enough. Anways:

hey this isnt bad at all! i like it. your vocals need a bit more feeling to them, thats all...i think. great job overall. i like the instrumentation, as amateur as it is. does the song justice

Here's for the fans of ambience, 8 minutes of random noises :D
Made this cause I was bored and was at the time inspired by Devin Townsends ambient records. The beginning is really loud, sorry for that, but I wanted it that way. Sounds like a war at times. I guess this sounds better while wearing earphones, good ones.
I only used a guitar, V-amp 2 and then "mixed" the sounds completely randomly with an old version of Cubase and some Creative program. Haha I don't have any clue how that actually works but I still managed to create this.
Oh, and FYI... I'm no guitarist, I really suck at playing that. I'm a drummer.

another great band here! i have nothing to say is evident that you have spent quite a long time on your songwriting and style. great work, enjoyed it.