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What do you think?

  • Good, I like it.

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Nah! Its totally disaster.

    Votes: 13 30.2%

  • Total voters
There's some awsome stuff here. I wish I could post some of what my band is working on right now on here but we don't have any full recordings and I don't know when we will.
I'm not a big post-rock guy, but I have to say, In Today... is a very enjoyable release. It's definitely got more direction and force than the majority of that stuff; I can get into it on an active level, not just zone out to it. I also fucking love that you got the guy from NeO on violin (incidentally, that's my favorite track)! Another band I expect big things from in the future.

Anyway, cool stuff!
cheers mate, appreciate you saying that. its very cool to hear people who aren't normally into post-rock still finding things to like about what we do. neo are definitely going to go far in the next few years now that they have their new guitarist and are back in action. exciting times lay ahead :)
Mantraschism, I checked out your myspace and really enjoyed your work! Especially Over Mount and Valley; very nice!!! You've definitely got some heavy Opeth inspiration going on, those chord progressions could have come from the brain of Mikael himself. Which, of course, is a huge plus!
I really like your song titles and band name, how do you come up with them?
Any way I listened to your demo and loved it, I might like to buy your EP when I can spare the money. :)
lol, floods might get in the way of our gear....

jokes jokes

a friend of the band came up with the name, but it basically just reflects post-rock in general. some of the song titles we came up with out of the blue, others are derived from philosophy quotes!
Mantraschism, I checked out your myspace and really enjoyed your work! Especially Over Mount and Valley; very nice!!! You've definitely got some heavy Opeth inspiration going on, those chord progressions could have come from the brain of Mikael himself. Which, of course, is a huge plus!

Haha, thanks man! Yeah, that style has become so natural to me now that I don't even really think about the Opeth influence so much, even though that's definitely where it originated! Thanks for taking the time to listen and give me your feedback, dude!

I really enjoy covering Opeth songs, and I have just recorded the first 3 minutes of The Leper Affinity, after the first solo is done. I was just wondering if anyone would critique it. This isn't a means of showing off, as my playing is kind of sloppy, especially the solo. Was just wondering what you guys thought about the overall sound and the mixing.
