post your honest reviews of the DVD, recent gigs and nick drake album here

whoa, im impressed that bambi has shiba! now were talking..tho im more of a terrierperson, i must say, that ive always been interested of them. (shibas that is)
and yes, theres two different breeds of irish setters these days, the red one and the red and white one.
The sound of the DVD is really good! As well as the part with the orchestra(....although the cameraman or livemixing person at the Liverpoolgig wasn't really paying attention). But one fine dvd it is!
Well, you know what happened with the booklet? I think the booklet is important too...the one i bought didn't have any booklet! But knowone has it i suppose! Is it coming to the shops? or just forget it?
elzka said:
whoa, im impressed that bambi has shiba! now were talking..tho im more of a terrierperson, i must say, that ive always been interested of them. (shibas that is)
and yes, theres two different breeds of irish setters these days, the red one and the red and white one.
Im not really a fan of the small breeds meself, but i got tired of owning big fucking german shepherds so i compromised and got a little dog that thinks its big :worship:

I'd love a malamute too though :erk:

I dont have the DVD yet, but the Nick Drake album is great, very relaxing to listen and Danny's voice fits so well to the songs :)

about the unplugged show in Vienna, I already wrote in the other thread that it was just amazing, maybe the best gig I saw this year (together with the Anathema gig on saturday in Athens) and the cello gave it an extra something, was just beautiful :)
We have a miss Gerrrrrrman shepppparrrrrd kept inside and she's okay, she's a lady :D

Ermm... except for fireworks, of course. Yeah, I don't think she'd be a good hunter :s :)
I dont mean to be rude here.....but can we just start a dog thread so I dont have to sift through 3 pages of dog photos to read a review of the dvd.

Thanks.. :)
arrrr, i've ordered both the dvd and the nick drak tribute. the dvd is delayed, so
that's okay like. but the nick drake cover album should've have been here by
now (i think). no feedback until ive recieved my stuff!
i'm afraid that's just not possible here. many have tried/asked to keep threads on-topic but they all failed...sorry!

but i like it that way ;)
anyways, the's really concert is great, ...still for me there's some things missing. the real live-feeling, the jokes inbetween, the cheering of the audience, well, the interaction that always seems to be there at gigs, and ...errr....the older songs... (yes, i do know the reason for that, but still, i miss them)
the extra's are nice, especially the liverpool one. nice how it fades out with images of the artwork of travis smith...

well, that's only a first impression...can't wait till these busy days are over and i can watch it properly...

hey, maren, you're in it and so is caroline. also noticed charlotte and ralph. who else? ;)
Wing of God said:
I dont mean to be rude here.....but can we just start a dog thread so I dont have to sift through 3 pages of dog photos to read a review of the dvd.

Thanks.. :)
Nah, ive seen the dvd so im gonna talk about dogs

thanks :)
I dont get on to well with danes right now...had one growling at my dog last week, had to kinda shove a knee on it, not that it bothered him

oh STILL talking about dogs in the dvd thread, boo hooo
