Power chords: index-ring, or index-pinky?

I started off using index-ring, but after a while of using my pinkie in general it became more convenient just to use that, it just felt more comfortable.
Taking a look at some live pics Index-pinky IF I don't play the octave...and it seems I play the octave more than I thought live.
But I'm also playing a lot of 7ths and 9ths (are they called like that?^^) so in that case of course index-ring, and the pinky goes doooblydooo.
But I got some riffs that are based on a lot of that kind of action, and then I start right with index-pinky to give the single notes more power when the switches are fast
Well if you are talking about a 5th without the added octave like
Then the pinky is not such a pb. I personnally prefer using the ringy, to follow my natural instinct and it has more power than my pinky to hold the string.
I thought you were saying you play
Doing a minibar with the ringy for the 5s instead of index/ringy/pinky

But i occasionnally use the pinky if it is in the lowest part of the neck, let's say in the 1 to 3 area, cause frets are more spaced and it requires a good position that i dont always follow when im playing live and therefore moving or playing sat. Even in classical they do sometimes, cause it's better to have your hands relaxed than following a strict rule in that situation. But I suggest it stays an active decision and does not become a habit.

Of course there is no "real" rule.
I used to play with my ring finger when I first started playing but then when I started trying to play more brutal death metal stuff I found it extremely difficult.
On songs where there are a shit-ton of power chords played pretty fast for several bars, using your ring finger becomes very uncomfortable.
And using the pinky comes into it's own,
I suppose it's because for most people it's less of a stretch, and because those riffs are mainly comprised of power chords, you just need to keep the same shape.

Like on this; (part 8)


Obviously if you add the octave, then you just use ring and pinky, using the pinky to bar both strings would be nuts.
But when you can use both fingers with equal comfort, then there really isn't an issue, you can use both whenever they are needed.
And swapping the between them takes no effort, in fact I do this fairly frequently without even noticing.

I'd say learn to use both.

and +1 to Torniojaws
I'd say learn to use both.

A great exercise is to play index-ring then up a semi tone middle-pinky.

i think somehow it also correlates with how high you have your guitar strap
i used to use index-ring, but after i started having the guitar lower i switched to index - pinky

If your neck's too low then your left hand plam might be too far towards the back of the neck which would make you have to reach more.
Switched to index pinky after playing guitar for six months and seeing James hetfield played powerchords that way. Good enough for him, good enough for me.
Index plus Ring for me for a Root+5th power chord - I tend to also, as someone else mentioned, add the octave with my pinky many times.
I demand that all guitar playing age males have their pinky fingers cut off. This will be known as guitar circumcision and ensure that all guitarist play power harmony rainbow smiley face chords the same. So it was written. – Mel Gibson the bible

On a slightly more serious note, the old guitar instructor guy that lived in my county when I was a teenager taught power chords using the index/ring/pinky way. So every kid within 50 miles played it that way.
I almost always (90% of the time) do index-ring, even to jump up and down root-octave, even on the first frets. Of a bass. I am more manly than you guize

I do believe all those bass power chord parts in Children of the Sea were written by someone else ...

If you're a man, its because I let you be one :Smokedev:
It depends on where I'm coming from and where I'm going next. Sometimes i-r-p, sometimes i-r, sometimes i-p. Most of the time i-p.

To be honest I've never notice anyone using the pinky or even heard of it until now.

Last time I saw anyone using Index-Pinky, he was an uber-n00b who basically couldn't even stretch far enough to get the ring finger on there.

Dave Murray? Adrian Smith? Tony Iommi?