Power Metal?

One Inch Man said:
I'll try, I'll try! Actually, did you just give me that promo or was it from the last batch? The ones you gave me in NYC are currently sitting at LAX with the rest of my luggage. :tickled:
No, this was in the batch of CD-Rs that I sent out. Neither you or Erik have said anything about those batches, which makes the two of you dirty bitches. :loco:
Well in that case it's on my couch buried underneath a stack of maps. :loco:

I'm going to set aside a few days to listen to nothing but CD-Rs and promos next week, so remind me what a dirty bitch I am around then if I'm still Silent Concerning the Symphony, or Something.
This a genre I still hold close to my heart, as it was what I was predominantly raised on until thrash entered my life in 1986. Groups that I still have in my collection and enjoy very much: DRIVE, FATES WARNING, HELLOWEEN, BLIND GUARDIAN, HELSTAR, DESTINY'S END, DISTANT THUNDER, DREAM THEATER, SYMPHONY X, WATCHTOWER, ARMORED SAINT, LIZZY BORDEN, CONTROL DENIED, SANCTUARY, NEVERMORE, KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE, CRIMSON GLORY, DIO, MALMSTEEN and some others I'm sure I'm forgetting....

I wouldnt call Sanctuary or Nevermore powermetal. Technical speed- sped thrash maybe? Not that it is important, but lets face it they are far heavier and much more mature than any power metal band.
Sanctuary were pure power metal. Nevermore are more thrash than power. Someone might call them power/thrash - that would be perfect, since they have influences from Coroner to Queensryche.
Papa Josh: Dream Theater = power metal ? ..............
Generally it is true that "power metal" is the most difficult genre to be defined. The thing is that most euro-power metal bands are gay and they have NO POWER. So i cant believe why they are called "POWER metal" .. On the other hand power metal bands from u.s.a. have THE ABSOLUTE POWER.
Non gay and very good european power metal bands : Helloween (of course), Heaven's Gate, Attack,Gamma Ray, Scanner (first two albums), Labyrinth (first album), Sanvoisen etc
IOfTheStorm said:
The thing is that most euro-power metal bands are gay and they have NO POWER. So i cant believe why they are called "POWER metal" .. On the other hand power metal bands from u.s.a. have THE ABSOLUTE POWER.
Sieg Heil. :loco:

But seriously, it's just semantics. Likewise, some people think Cradle of Filth are black metal, or that Carcass are death metal, and before you know it, you find yourself in the GMD forum.

Non gay and very good european power metal bands : Helloween (of course), Heaven's Gate, Attack,Gamma Ray, Scanner (first two albums), Labyrinth (first album), Sanvoisen etc
I don't know what else exists within that 'etcetera', but there's gotta be a pretty damn fine line between what is considered 'gay' and what isn't in your world. Not that I agree, but general concept of what is 'gay' typically revolves around the very musical attributes that Helloween exhibit.
JayKeeley said:
or that Carcass are death metal
Every time I listen to Carcass I want to die because the music is so damn good life couldn't possibly get any better. If that's not Death Fucking Metal then I don't know what is. :Spin:
JayKeeley said:
If an alien came to this planet and wanted to know the definition of Power Metal, how helpful would this thread be? :loco:
Perhaps a little. But surprisingly, very few of my posts are inspired by a need to provide extra-terrestrial life with information.:grin:

For those aliens that may be reading this thread, who are new to Power Metal, I'd suggest the following bands:

Iron Maiden
Blind Guardian
Iced Earth

Though I'm sure everyone has bands they'd add and subtract to that list, I'd say those five would represent a solid jumping off point. Who would be your five?
