PP USA X: Major roster changes

Why bother? None of the bands interest me at all except for Power Quest and Andre Matos. Now that both are gone, I have no reason for going.

You should go anyway. ProgPower is always a good time, and I am certain that you'll get into at least one band that you thought you wouldn't be interested in. The past two years I've gone, I've fallen in love with the music of a band I hadn't previously shown much interest in. It's well worth the trip, even if none of your favorite bands are there.

Heck, even if I've never heard of/didn't care for the entire lineup of a future ProgPower, I'd still go, simply because it IS worth the money, even if you aren't familiar with any of the acts.
These rules have been in place for quite a while. However, the paranoia of the last six years hasn't helped.

It does suck, but the lemonade factor is in place, since I was discussing the idea of CG playing at ProgPower with someone recently...
Typical government BS, and I feel bad for those who wanted to see VP (a couple of my best buds included) but in my eyes its an upgrade. A CG memorial is bound to be memorable and moving vs. A. Matos solo, and Cage blows away PQ by miles - as far as Mindflow vs. TE, its take it or leave it for me.
I've been sitting on it and stewing on this for a bit, since the fact that I'm pissed is an understatement. To be honest, if this was the lineup that I was presented, I'm not sure if I would be going. Replacing Matos with Crimson Glory is a major downgrade for me and it's likely that whoever fills in for Vanden Plas will probably be a downgrade in my eyes. Considering all the money I already have invested in tickets and flights, I don't have much choice but to go.

This isn't any offense to Glenn, since these matters are out of his control, but it is to point out that such decisions by our government officials really put organizers like Glenn at risk. The fact that so much goes into this that coming out the other end with a rejection and not really getting much help in trying to resolve the situation really sucks.
Dude, you obviously didn't read the article Glenn provided in his first post. This issue goes way beyond ProgPower. Here's an excerpt from the article:

No, I didn't. And yes, I understand that this is a massive problem. I think I just read his post as more of a "Look what Obama has done to Progpower!" That said, I think there are more important issues that need more attention. However, I would like to see this fixed just as much as everyone else. The entire immigration and visitation whatever the fuck this is is absolutely apeshit insane, and I'd like to see people being allowed to make money.
I have to ask a business question here, in terms of booking overseas bands.

I know that everyone has been asking for having announcements for the festival earlier and earlier, which is what resulted in having the whole lineup for this year announced in the video announcement last year.

Great idea in concept, as it gets people hyped earlier, more time to get into bands they don't know, more excitement for the current festival, etc, etc.

That being said, it sounds like the papers were not finalized for most of the overseas bands.

My question then is this. Is it customary for most festivals (and tours even for US bands) to have bands announced and tickets sold before visas are in order?

I seriously don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything. I am genuinely curious in the process. Like, is there a certain amount of time that the person has to physically come to the states once the visa is issued, which is why you can't put in for visas too far in advance?
Damm this fucking situation sucks!!!! for me personally is not a deal braker, I really hope this wont be the final push that will make Glenn stop the festival!!!

I just can't imagine Prog Power ending any time soon that will be horrible!!
My question then is this. Is it customary for most festivals (and tours even for US bands) to have bands announced and tickets sold before visas are in order?
It is indeed customary because you are booking a tour up to a year in advance easily in this day. Until just very recently, the earliest you could submit your visas was 6 months before the day of the first show. That is why "premium processing" was instigated. You can get your visas done in three weeks for an extra $1,000. That's not a guarantee of approval, just that you will know something quicker. Considering they have until 90 days to notify you and then the extra 5 days- 3 months to get an interview, you run out of time very quickly. That's what the new "law" in the Senate is addressing. If you waited on your visa to be approved via the normal timelline before announcing a tour, you could not do it more than 2-3 months in advance.

That money is not much to a major artist doing a tour. Hell, that's not even that much in the grand scheme of things for a band doing a club tour here. Furthermore, in those situations, you can apply for your visa to be good for up to a year (or even longer) . In this situation, the booking agent or record label is the petitioner for the dates in the U.S.

Contrast that with a promoter doing a single one-off show for multiple bands that have no intention to tour nor do they have record label support here for the most part. I'm responsible for the band while they are here in the States so the visa is only good for a week around the festival.

The little guy is the one that suffers the most in this process.

Honestly, if I could actually speak to someone about the "why" of a particular case, that would make a world of difference.

And as an FYI....you have to do the exact same process for the crew seperately. They cannot be filed with the band. It's quite the moneymaker.
thanks for the education on that.

I assumed there must have been some stipulation as to the earliest you could submit for a visa.

That does put someone like yourself trying to book a festival far in advance in a tough spot!
And as an FYI....you have to do the exact same process for the crew seperately. They cannot be filed with the band. It's quite the moneymaker.

You've got to be kidding me!:OMG: Glenn you must have an ulcer the size of the West coast, you really do this out of love for metal, my respects. :notworthy

Can the AFM and Immigration be sued on the basis of ludicrous paperwork/time requirements?
Ah, proof the government gets ya coming n' going... I had great respect for ya Glenn on imagining what you must go thru to get this put together - this "confession" just kicked that respect to a new level... And you don't have to give us ANY details on the behind the scenes - you gave us the 'why' ...

I'm devastated that VP won't be playing but at the same time, getting to see my boys in CG is much needed... And from what I've heard from Mindflow I really dig...
Why bother? None of the bands interest me at all except for Power Quest and Andre Matos. Now that both are gone, I have no reason for going.

And yeah, I know I won't be getting a refund.

I understand your frustration, to me Matos was one of the main reasons to go.

But look it my way, I will come from outside USA. I already have paid the flight and show tickets which within these days economy was a lot for me, but I did want to see some online friends and buddies (some which I met finally at PPVII) maybe get acquainted with some bands that went under my radar and have a bit of vacation, so bailing out is not an option for me.

And if you look at the previous posts both Glenn and bands have suffer from this too, we have to consider we are not the only victims of government bad management. We are all on this together: promoters, bands, fans. If we bail out so easily at the first dissapointment how we can expect to keep this kind of events going on in the future?

I hope I can look back years from now and smile at the different reverseals of fortune throughout festivals and gigs that I was able to attend, and not to look back in tears remembering how all it end in 2010 when the venues become silenced.
Stay on topic folks.

Agreed. This board gets crazy when politics get in the way. Save it for the lounge.

First of all, I'm floored by this announcement. I share the vast majority's sentiment that I not only am disappointed about losing some of these bands (specifically Matos), but I also share in the empathy for both Glenn and Shane having to endure the stress of this kind of bullshit. I truly am sorry for you both, because this is just ridiculous.

However, I fucking love Cage, and I've been wanting to see them live for soooo long, so I'm freaking stoked about that. Mindflow should be great as well, I have their first two discs, and I'll be glad to see them (not as much a fanboy as I am of Cage, but still excited). Crimson Glory, I'm on the fence about. I think it'll be cool, but very much like getting Pretty Maids or Fifth Angel, it'll appeal to the older people in the audience. I'll still watch, and probably enjoy.

Here's hoping this festival is able to continue for a good while longer. I think it is still the classiest fest in all of America, and certainly one of a kind when it comes to the types of bands that play. You can't beat quality like this, and as OrbWeaver already said, I'd support it even if I didn't know any of the bands---it's simply that good.