Practice Time 06 - ALL THAT REMAINS - This calling

Nice one Sinquestsound! Push these guitar and low end and you got it
thx Icem4n ! i want reamp those guitars once again today, if any one will be interested, I can upload guitars tracks.

Stay Metal !
Hi to everyone! I've been working in this mix every day in the last week and fighting hard with my newly acquired Kemper (I never mix "real" amps before) and this is the result. Please take a moment, listen it and tell me what I must change. Thanks a lot!!! \m/
Nice one! Sounds very balanced dude, this 6505 is reamped or vst?

My mix is pretty dark but I referenced the original.
Will have another go today if I have time with my new Zoom ms60b sansamp emulation. I think this mix was MXR M80 DI. Can't remember for sure.

I always find it hard to mix MIDI drums.
I am so used to mixing a live kit and can't capture the energy of the overheads and room mic with MIDI.

Let me know what you think! I'm still pretty new to mixing.
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