Prejudice in Metal Styles?

Personally I'll listen to Macabre to Enya, Yes's debut album to Bach's old symphonies. All music and you are free to like what you want. I pity the fools that lets genre's resrict him. :)

On another note, the sheer idiocy / irony of someone with lyrics about wizadry disliking anything blasphemous....hahahahahahahah......
If someone who was d/l-ing files from me had the gall to rag on me because of what music I like, I would ban him right then and there. It's weird, because I share tons of different kinds of music, from 60's girl-groups to death metal to synth-pop to punk, and nobody's ever made fun of me
Although I might point out here, I'm not looking for validation, I'm just mentioningi that it is possible to like styles outside of metal without being a 'sellout'.
Well, okay...I was just glad that there's someone else like me out there. Except I just personally don't like Korn(sorry!). But I do like BBMAK and Reel Big Fish...and Fatboy slim(kinda) and Badly Drawn Boy and MMB, and (hed) p.e.

And I listen to Extol and Living Sacrifice and Opeth and Soilwork and Killswitch and Incubus. Oh, don't worry, I'm no sellout. I just like what I like.
Why do you care? You shouldn't fuckin care what people say! You like, You listen! Fuck stop complaining. You are who you are, and you aren't going to change for no one. So Take Everyones little comment and shove it aside. AND ENOUGH ALREADY ABOUT NEW METAL OLD METAL! If you don't like something, keep it to your fuckin self. I dunno wanna here anycomplaning or else ...
Sorry to bump this old thread, but Rob Flynn made an amazing quote that I want to share with everyone:

After reading a recent article that referred to the music of Lamb of God as "Nu-Metal", I am officially retiring the word "Nu-Metal" from my vocabulary. It is THE most played out, overused and generic term, OF ALL FUCKING TIME!
Oh, yeah...
Its more ignorance than prejudice.

Mention the word nu-metal and people jump down your throat.

Mention the word Black metal to melodic death fans and they jump down you're throat.

Mention the word Melodic Death Metal to any "real" "metalheads" and they jump down you're throat most of the time.

Metal is metal, thats the way I see it, if they can't take into consideration they are not the only metal fans around, then they can fuck off.

I like all styles from Black metal, to death, to nu, to grindcore, to power and so on.... I dont care if its called Teletubby Metal.
I think most decent people learn not to care about what other people like as they get older and wiser. Most of us have probably liked something lame when we knew no better or hadn't heard anything different. Then again it depends on the person as well. My ex-boyfriend is a completely arrogant jerk who will go on about how Bruce Dickinson is a god... then rip on someone else for saying Opeth are gods... when he probably said the same thing about them a couple of months ago. And everyone had different tastes. If you are worried about people's criticism of your music tastes you probably need more confidence in yourself and the ability not to care.

It is not close mindedness to like one style of music over another... that is called an informed personal preference (so long as it is actually informed). It is close mindedness however to like one style of music and criticise everything else even though you have never taken the time to listen to it properly. If you are going to criticise you need to know what you are criticising... ask any good critic.
It is not close mindedness to like one style of music over another... that is called an informed personal preference (so long as it is actually informed). It is close mindedness however to like one style of music and criticise everything else even though you have never taken the time to listen to it properly. If you are going to criticise you need to know what you are criticising... ask any good critic.
Excellently said. That's the way it should be. Too bad it isn't.

There was a person on here blatatly bashing Incubus' S.C.I.E.N.C.E. any time I mentioned it, although it is one of my favorite albums. I can see how Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse is better than the album in some ways and not others, but I personally prefer S.C.I.E.N.C.E. I prefer it based on my choice, but I know what makes Emperor a good band.

BTW, Shiny, your avatar is pretty cool. I know what it is, and if you did that yourself, that's pretty good.

If you didn't, then fie, you thief, you!
Disturbed4ntics said:
Most Metalheads are close-minded.

At first when I got into 'tr00' Metal, I really wasn't into Death Metal or Metalcore. Fuck, 'tr00' Metal even opened me up to some Emo, a genre which I used to utterly despise. I like all kinds of music.

Metal opened me up to so many more genres. I like to think I have a very broad horizon thanks to metal.
Today, I fell in love with Norah Jones all over again after listening to Abyssic Hate.

Feeling all warm and fuzzy afterwards, I listened to some Michael Crawford, and now, I'll probably go to sleep listening to Sunn0))).
speed said:
I was online today, on a server, and I was told twice that I was a loser because of files I have shared. Why and for what reasons was I persecuted; for the very fact that I happened to enjoy death, black, and experimental metal.
I can relate to this, especially when it comes to using DC++ and being banned from rooms for having other music styles in my shared folder. I don´t really get why people are so anal about what others like and enjoy. If I am sharing Metal, what does it matter if I have some other things in there like Country or Pop music ? I also see a lot of division between fans of the different genres. It wasn´t like that when I was a teenager, or so it seemed, maybe I just didn´t meet as many people as I can through the internet.