Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

ok, once more the active vs passive question while recording the di'ed signal!!!

as i read an active di is quite good for active pickups but for passives it is just like 85 % of what could come in, right?? well, oz mentioned he never had issues with recoring passives through an active di, but the numbers and percentages you all listed said that there will (could) be some loss in quality.

my prob is that i will always record passive and active pickups in one session.
so, do i need an active and a passive di (like the j 48 + countryman) or would the countryman fit for both jobs.

i really don't want to spend that much money on things like di's but i try to get the best results.

please help a stupid drummer who is a bit confused by all these values!!
K, here's my story...
I was just working on some recordings of my band as you perhaps might have seen in the RMM-Section.
I was missing some low-end in the guitars but didn't have the possibility to reamp them with some more low-end 'cause I'm totally overbooked and just didn't have the time to get all the stuff from our rehearsal-space into the studio etc...
anyway, I figured I gotta do something with the guitars, so I thought I might just send Oz the dry tracks to reamp them...I really like the way his guitars sound but still I had bit of a strange feeling 'cause I'm really picky about my guitarsounds and the idea of having to rely on another person (although I liked what he's doing with his guitars) scared me a bit to be honest.

anyway, I talked to him and sent him the DI-Tracks for reamping there's no need to be frightened or something, cause he did an amazing job and still let me add my ideas and influence him a bit..
he sent me 3 different snippets and we went from there towards the "perfect" guitarsound (pretty fast though).
It didn't take that long and he had the files up on his FTP, they provided exactly what was lacking in my first guitartracks and delivered exactly the sound I wanted.

listen to it in the RateMM-subforum (Subcutane Song) and send this man your tracks, NOW!

That's fucking cool, man! I may need a dual rec on this session I'm working on now. 5150/ and OZ's Dual rec together!:rock: Anyway, my Countryman DI arrived, and I tracked a Les Paul w/passive pups, with it yesterday. FUCKING CLEAN!!!!! GET THE COUNTRYMAN DI! I'm picking up the X amp tommorow, thus starting my pro reamp career!:lol:
Got my X-amp and tried it yesterday. Cool stuff. I can't believe I have gone this long without being able to reamp. Probably the most useful and definitely the most time-saving piece of gear I own. I didn't know what to do when I was reamping, so I just sat there, kicked back, relaxed and listened. Now, if I could just get somebody to play my dry tracks I would be set. :lol:

LSD, you have a PM reply.
Why do you need to re-amp when you have a KranK? Surely people want to re-amp TO the Krank :\ Isnt it like hiring a hot air balloon to get down from Mount Everest? :)
I am still pretty nOOb with regards to recording, so I still need to experiment with amp settings/mic placement/808 settings, etc... so to save me re-playing the same song many many times, reamping is the answer. :) The sound I get today might (and probably will) sound like crap tomorrow, so tomorrow just click record and let it all be done effortlessly with the guitar still in it's case. :cool:

EDIT: oh yeah, what he said also ^^^. :)
Ah right cool. Well I dont have a scooby, its all over my head tbh. But im doing a song for my band when the rest of them are back from uni at the drums programmed on EZ + DFH and im gona use my friends spider 3. They actually sound quite good recorded. Plus ill have my XXX be then hopefully so ill do 2 tracks of spider and 2 of XXX. Hopefully its an interesting combo... :)
Hey Seizure,

I checked out your track. Not too shabby, but I'm a little concerned about the intial noise at the beginning of the track.... it could cause you problems in a mix situation.

Here's an example of what that sounds like reamped:

Nice pick attack, BTW! I'd love to hear that quad tracked! Just be careful on those low open chords. You're playing so hard you're knocking the chord out of tune for a split second: Especially the very first chord. A little finesse goes a long way.

Hey oz, thanks for taking the time.

Thats not even that bad indeed! i was kind of worried because this was done with my audient instrument input and i didn't would be up for the job you know.

And Thanks on the pick attack! i'm a bassplayer originally so maybe that explains hahaha..
I get alot of: dude! its a guitar, not your girlfriend!!"
Cool, in that case i have a question for you ;)

I seem to be getting a pretty low output signal on theline level, when recording a (passive) bass with bartolinni's i get about -30db of signal into nuendo.
No more.
Same with guitar.
Am i doing something wrong? using the thru would even seem better at the moment hahaha
that's the only adjustment I'm aware of other than the Front Level adjustment. you should make sure it's correct for your setup though.

not sure about High Level but my Mic Gains are set where I set them for reasonable mic gains.