Primordial - they deserve their own thread


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I can't imagine anyone on this forum not liking at least one Primordial album. Yes, Spirit the Earth Aflame is an outstanding album which everyone should own, and I'm now really getting into A Journey's End.

Storm Before the Calm just hasn't grabbed me at all yet. It seems to lack the creativity, and tends to be pretty generic compared to StEA and AJE. I actually think it's a step down so far unfortunately.

Anyway, good vocalist too this Nemtheanga bloke, particularly with Void of Silence too. I like his clean vocal style a lot.

That is all.
they're recording the new album very shortly, next week I think, with yer man that did through silver in blood (names just slipped out the back of my head) should be interesting

guess who's designing the cover :Spin:
Like JayK, I feel Storm Before Calm was a step down. I like some of the songs, but the return to more black metal fury is the wrong move. I would like to see them record a proper Spirit the Earth Aflame follow-up.
I'm guessing the cover will be done by either Alan (one of the most underrated vocalists in metal) himself or a certain member of this forum. I agree with J. and hope for more doom and less BM, even though I enjoyed Storm Before Calm, on the new one.
i actually sold my copy of StEA quite some time back. the thing was that i had for some reason expected death metal with some folky bits in there and when i listened to it i sat there waiting for the album to start after the "intro" as i thuoght it was. after the third "intro" i got mad and never listened to it again :loco:

seeing all this praise, i think i'll pick it up again if i see it. and besides, my taste in music is much better now than i was back then hehe
Erik said:
Even fotmbm likes "Spirit the Earth Aflame" FFS. I think JayKeeley is right in saying that... oh my... we might have found a band everyone in the forum can agree on?!
You know, that makes them a good candidate for a feature, especially if they have a new album on the horizon. Just a thought.
I like that they keep their music fairly simple (ie no keyboards, fancy technicality, or folky instruments for the most part), yet they emit more atmosphere than the majority of avantgarde or other Pagan metal bands.

They also have one of metal's best vocalists.
"Before I put my foot in it, who designed the cover for Storm Before Calm?"

that was done by the in house guy at hammerheart and alan

I'm doing this one :)

billy anderson is the producer
how could I forget that name...d'oh
so I got the re-release (is it a re-release if the material is only available on self-released tape and as bonus tracks??) of Dark Romanticism today. Excellent presentation here. Alan goes into detail and explains the origins of Primordial, and and this re-release. He also has liner notes with the background of each of the eight songs, mentioning influences like Trouble, Candlemass, Autopsy, Celtic Frost and Bathory.

However, this is merely for die-hards of the band. The CD features eight songs, 4 of which are live and are pretty much exclusive to this CD. The first four can be found on their albums.

1. To Enter Pagan (on the American version of Spirit the Earth Aflame as a bonus track)
2. The Darkest Flame (on Imrama)
3. Among the Lazarae (on re-release of Imrama, and US version of StEA)
4. To the Ends of the Earth (on Imrama)
5. In Graciousness (unreleased live track)
6. A Blacker Art (unreleased live track)
7. Total Destruction (live cover of Bathory)
8. To Walk the Infernal Fields (live cover of Darkthrone)

The bonus is a 6-song DVD of a live performance featuring:

Fallen to Ruins
Gods to the Godless
Cast to the Pyre
The Burning Season
Sons of the Morrigan
To Enter Pagan
I've been listening to "A Journey's End" a lot recently. I think this may have surpassed "Spirit the Earth Aflame"....

Either way, these two albums are classic. Maybe even 10/10 each. Pagan/Celtic metal done to perfection. Just the right amount of acoustics, clean vox vs harsh vox, and phenomenal drumming.

Now on to "The Gathering Wilderness"....if this is an improvement over "Storm before Calm", which it really should be, then we're probably looking at the greatest 'pagan metal' band on the planet aren't we? Who else in this genre has two 10/10 albums in their discography, and the remaining releases being *very good* at minimum?
Yep, so just heard "The Gathering Wilderness" twice now. Fuck me.

Hmm, I think I may need to collect everything this band has ever done now just on principle. Anyone got a spare Primordial/Katatonia split up for trade? :loco: