Prog vs Metal - which one do you stand for

Whilst I agree to an extent about the whole 'genres are silly' there is obvious a fair bit of room between prog rock (at least in a strict original 70's prog rock) and metal, so there is room to discuss which you prefer (it's not we're arguing whether blackened-thrash is better than death'n'roll or something ridiculous like that).

I consider Opeth a metal band, personally, who use some prog structures - mainly because a lot of prog bands rely on improv from jazz and/or more trained musical theory, whereas metal is usually set riffs and very little, if at all, improv). And besides, there are plenty of other influences there as well. But hey, that really isn't that important at the end of the day. What is however is the music moves you.

I don't think I could choose one over the other though, it just depends what mood I'm in I guess.
but bh prog is better than metal eod. for every Asia there are 20 metal bands that are influenced by Asia
Progressive Death Metal

I don't favorise any genre, but most of my favorite bands are Death or Prog Metal, whereas Opeth is both.
prog and metal both blow, actually any genre is terrible

except classical? ;P
"stop listening to metal and prog, start listening to classical music" what a generic fucking post XD
I do agree with the second part though, that being restricted by genres only blocks creativity, deciding to be a part of some genre rarely ends up being something fresh and original.
What the fuck are you on about you twat? "A music genre is a categorical and typological construct that identifies musical sounds as belonging to a particular category and type of music that can be distinguished from other types of music."............. ........... .........
"classical" is the broadest possible category for music, it encompasses a million different styles over literally the past THOUSAND years. likening it to a genre like "prog-rock" is completely absurd.

now i can psychically predict your next shitty argument: "but arasmas, you're saying there are GENRES within the term "classical," so you still are admitting that some genres of music are good!"

well yes koi, there are many genres within "classical," like viennese court music from the classical period for example, but the best "classical" music, and the stuff that's really worth listening to, is the music that defies its genre and experiments with new artistic realms that were previously unexplored. practically any composer whose name you've even heard has music that breaks out of its "genre" category, and that's WHY you've heard of them. all the other conformist composers have been forgotten in history

"classical" is the broadest possible category for music, it encompasses a million different styles over literally the past THOUSAND years. likening it to a genre like "prog-rock" is completely absurd.

now i can psychically predict your next shitty argument: "but arasmas, you're saying there are GENRES within the term "classical," so you still are admitting that some genres of music are good!"

well yes koi, there are many genres within "classical," like viennese court music from the classical period for example, but the best "classical" music, and the stuff that's really worth listening to, is the music that defies its genre and experiments with new artistic realms that were previously unexplored. practically any composer whose name you've even heard has music that breaks out of its "genre" category, and that's WHY you've heard of them. all the other conformist composers have been forgotten in history


It's time on earth has nothing to do with the fact that it's a fucking genre :D
Classical is a genre, metal and prog rock are sub genres from rock though metal has become a genre of it's own nowadays. And just like classical music has as you said many sub-genres, so does every other ground genre.
And that there's modern classical music only proves my point, it's a genre!
ok so tell me one significant thing that the music of john cage has in common with bach, mr. smarty mcfarty pants
Nope, both sub-genres of rock.
Anyway, end of this pointless discussion.

edit: sorry coldplay was not a good choise, it's more pop than pop-rock...but i'm sure your brain can advance to get my point.
ok all i was saying is that bands that play to a genre all blow, no matter what the genre is, i.e. prog-rock, metal, ska-punk, whatever

but "rock" or "classical" are categories that are too broad for me to make such generalizations about them, so i'm not saying all "rock" bands blow. for example, the rolling stones were awesome, and they did not play to a specific genre - instead, they incorporated elements of many different genres

what is so difficult about this
addition: it seems like you're getting hung up on the specifics of the definition of the word "genre," when really that isn't the point
It became the point, i really couldn't care less though, i'm just very bored XD
And i already said i agree with you on the fact that it's more interesting to not even think about genres when creating music.