Prog vs Metal - which one do you stand for

Although I like bands like Opeth, The Mars Volta, and so on, that supposedly fit into the category, I find the term prog/progressive really wanky. It's like saying 'we're better than other bands, because unlike anyone else, we're progressing music'. There's progression going on in every genre pretty much, but prog seems to be a genre based around the fact that everyone who plays it thinks they're gods fucking gift to music.

On the other hand, most metal these days is stale and derivative, and very few 'metal' bands that I listen to are purely metal rather than having some other sort of element mixed in or some kind of unique edge to them. Usually I avoid mentioning metal specifically when people ask what kind of music I like because I know they'll assume I mean the kind of shit they play on MTV2 or Scuzz.
Amen, about the part not mentioning metal when people ask what music you listen to. I always feel I get put in a booth by doing so, "blackmetal, grindcore", well, noise, as they would call it. So these days I go with prog-rock, which is a quite broad expression too. Although Opeth is on the edge.

I agree to the one who mentioned Opeth should focus more on the heavy side than the prog side, but tbh I don´t care what Mikael figures, every album has its stunning aspects, I´ve come to the point where I love them from a new view, I wouldn´t want 10x different versions of Still Life just to make that clear, I think every band should progress and develop. Sure, make it Opeth, but throw in a twist. Don´t do as other bands here do, Dream Theater, 2 last albums.. 2 much ripoffs, I can´t come up with any other band atm, but I guess some of you people here has or are listening to them, so you might understand me about this part.

Liquid´s in your throat, for Opeth´s delight!
(I´ll so be singing that at a pre-party b4 next Opeth concert i attend, deffo!)
After thinking about it, every band that's been a real favorite of mine has been one that fulfills multiple musical needs. I loved Tool because they could be agressive with the vocals and guitars but would also slow down to more atmospheric sounds with the drums and bass, as happens a lot in Lateralus. Same with Opeth, I could get acoustic guitar work, metal riffs, clean vocals, death vocals, and now some other elements thanks to songs like The Lotus Eater. So really, prog and metal are both great but a band that explores multiple styles is just shitloads better.