Prog vs Metal - which one do you stand for

Pretty much every single band plays to a genre though. A metal band is obviously a metal band, and so on and so forth. Saying that genres are pointless is a bit silly, because everyone is working within some kind of confines and boundaries, whether they realise it or not. Just by picking up a certain instrument you are straight away narroing possibilities. And what is really wrong with opperating within a genre anyway? Even or bands who don't, if there music is shit, it is shit, even if it is unclassifiable.
There are loads of bands you can't really categorize...
Nothing wrong with genres, just being restricted by genres creates creative boundaries.
But then again, i only know my own point of view in this.
There are loads of bands you can't really categorize...
Nothing wrong with genres, just being restricted by genres creates creative boundaries.
But then again, i only know my own point of view in this.

Well that's it. I'm not saying that bands should say we are going to be 'x' and try nothing else, but at the end of the day there is a core sound they end up having and you can usually catergorize it.
don't be a dunce, classical has two meanings, one of them is a period from the mid-late 1700s, one of them is a general term for scored "art" music
if you've listened to enough prog-metal bands that you can make any kind of statement about the "vast majority" of them, your life has no purpose
if you've listened to enough prog-metal bands that you can make any kind of statement about the "vast majority" of them, your life has no purpose

Maybe I exaggerated a bit, but every time I discover a new prog metal band, it reminds me of Dream Theater, there's far too many bands out there who've been influenced by those two.
Do you have to stand for one of them? I thought it was the skillful combination that made Opeth what they are...
don't be a dunce, classical has two meanings, one of them is a period from the mid-late 1700s, one of them is a general term for scored "art" music

I'm not questioning your erudition here, but your statement that 'classical is the broadest possible category for music' seems a little silly. You really think that classical music, from any nation, is a broader category than, say, folk?
That's a tough one. I can't say I stand for one over the other. Prog is more interesting for me, however I prefer the heaviness/aggression of metal. Together (Opeth) they are perfect (Opeth).