Progressive Metal That Doesn't Suck?

I don't like Devin Townsend's pseudo surrealism. I find it irritating and superficial.

Mike Patton on the other hand is great. I don't see why it has been brought up in a progressive metal thread, but Tomahawk and FNM have (had) a funky edge that I enjoy, much like the chili peppers.

The Mars Volta I also don't like. It's just plain shit and I don't feel I need to justify that. Also they are not metal, so why they have been brought up, I don't know.
Jean-Pierre said:
Seriously, that had to be the worst recommendation list I've ever seen.

Try these three, all quite different:
ATHEIST (Already been mention, of fucking course)
WATCHTOWER (You like it! You love it! You need it!)
SYMPHONY X (Greatest Prog/Power Metal band of all time. They're a lot more on the Prog side though)

For once I agree with Jean-Pierre.

I would add:

And so are you.

Teehehheee I mayde a funnie!111!11ROTFLMFAOLOLOL!!1!1!!!!!1!1


Seriously, I like a lot of Devin Townsend's stuff just for the whole 'beautiful and heavy' mixture.

I also feel quite embarrassed for having forgotten Illogicist.
Pyrus said:
If you take half of Screams and Whispers and crudely stitch it together with CoolEdit, you have a pretty sweet speed metal riff collection. But why do that when you can just buy an Agent Steel album instead?
if you're only into riffs, that's ok. but you can't deny that these two albums are fucking unique, mixing thrash metal with a lot of awesome melodies and excellent songwriting
Dream Theater (They take getting used to, but they are fucking genius)
Symphony X
Rush (prog rock but had to list them)
Liquid Tension Experiment

More will come as I think of them
I totally see why phoenix posted the band list that he did. These are bands who are 'progressive' in the literal sense of the word...not relying on any past working formulas to create thier music. 'Prog' has become a genre, much like 'Alternative' did. And yeah, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Threshold, Adagio, Vanden Plas are 'Prog'...but it's harder to call them 'progressive'.
I think Dev is a genius....but I admit to some of his stuff being a little over my head. My fave thing he ever did was Vai's 'Sex & Religon'...
Hevy Devy is the man. I think we can all agree that SYL makes some really cool shit, and I find Accelerated Evolution to be a fucking masterpiece. I'm not entirely sure why it gets called "prog," though. I don't know what I'd call it, but it doesn't sound anything like the prog I know.
Accelerated Evolution was a step towards a more i guess "poppier" sound than mostly true prog sound, but it still owns nonetheless. Everything Devy has made is so amazing.. it's really probably the most emotionally heavy music i've heard.