Prove my point that Slipknot fans are idiots when it comes to metal

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That's got to be the most painful thing I've ever read. My advice to you: stop posting on that forum entirely and stop thinking that you have something to prove in the first place (especially when it comes to trying to change someone else's musical taste).
Xorv said:
I'm 17, get over it.

That's nice. When I was 17, I did not post at "teenspot." I would not have done so even if I'd known of the existence of such a thing.

Nothing could compel me to join that forum and argue with kids about a shitty band. Do you have any idea how much effort that would take? The answer is far too much, considering the reward(none) and opportunity cost(something else, nearly anything will do).

Lock this clusterfuck.
a: I like Slipknot
b: Slipknot sucks
a: no they're good that's why I like them
b: no really they suck!
a: no I like them they're good
b: newb! they suck!
a: but I like them :confused:
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