The Most Commercial Metal You Are Willing To Tolerate?

Oh well it's fine that she writes the songs themselves, you could've written them too. It's same as the other shit on radio. Look I don't get offended when I hear it on the radio or in the club and I like some clean-sounding overproduced pop myself, but to glorify her to this point and put her above the other whores is really dumb and it doesn't make sense.

Its not the same though. You're making bad points, and drawing a correlation where there is none.

No other pop artist would be able to make songs like Heavy Metal Lover, Scheisse, Government Hooker, etc. No other mainstream pop artist has the chops.

As I said, I'm not saying she is like the Mozart of our generation or anything, but to deny that she is more artistic than 99% of pop is simply being blind and stubborn for the sake of being blind and stubborn.
Its not the same though. You're making bad points, and drawing a correlation where there is none.

No other pop artist would be able to make songs like Heavy Metal Lover, Scheisse, Government Hooker, etc. No other mainstream pop artist has the chops.

As I said, I'm not saying she is like the Mozart of our generation or anything, but to deny that she is more artistic than 99% of pop is simply being blind and stubborn for the sake of being blind and stubborn.


And add "Judas" to that list of songs as well.
Its not the same though. You're making bad points, and drawing a correlation where there is none.

No other pop artist would be able to make songs like Heavy Metal Lover, Scheisse, Government Hooker, etc. No other mainstream pop artist has the chops.

Sorry I don't hear it. Heavy Metal Lover is built on the sound and frankly it sounds like Daft Punk or something. Musically it's as simple as pop can get. Scheisse is also really simple, almost to the point of being as annoying as Judas. It's housy verse plus derivative pop chorus. I really just don't see how this is better than the rest bro. But go on with your lovin', I like Lorde for example, or LDR. I wouldn't claim they're better than the rest for any reason though.

Deathcore is fuckin heavy AND groovy what's not to like?
Onder: Yeah, you can say that from a structural standpoint, the songs follow typical pop verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus arrangement, but it would take a dumbass to claim that they are as instantly accessible and two-dimensional as most pop. Those songs are actually quite unorthodox for pop music; you are analyzing them based only on their surface value and not getting the whole picture as a result.

I believe you're grasping for straws at this point.

Pharrell Williams.

Pharrell is up there as well, even if that one popular song he did recently was aurally offensive dogshite.
Favorite commercial metal? I don't know, man. I don't listen to much commercial metal. The irony is that a lot of the metal that I do listen to could be considered commercial, at least to an extent, but it isn't.

I did hear a Trivium song today on Sirius XM that was ok, at least the clean vocals. The growling made me switch back to Mad Dog.
This sounds commercial as hell to me. No idea if it truly is. Anyway, this is what comes to mind.

Threshold is fucking monstrous. Bands like this don't count because they don't write radio friendly songs. They write songs that tend to (sometimes, certainly not always) be radio friendly.

March of Progress is the best progressive metal album of all time. Last year's was a worthy follow up but doesn't nearly have the same staying power. I still listen to MOP. 11 (12?) tracks, not a single filler song. That is an amazing achievement.
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Just wanna post a couple of examples of bands that went from "great" to "commercial shit." Feel free to add to your own.



Commercial Shit:


Hell Yeah!:

WTF is this shit???




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My Musical horizon is quite limited tbh. I only buy stuff within Power/Melodic/Progressive Metal territory.
Some of the bands I like hit the Charts (Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, Avantasia) so that might be enough to classify them as Commercial metal.

I thought the last Album by Alter Bridge was not too bad.
I don't care about any modern pop artist at all. I will occasionally put new pop songs on but the production is too in your.. ears. It's too much. You can't think at the same time as listening to it. It's like every pop song is as mind numbing as a techno rave now. Not good.
That anaconda cover is the worst thing to happen in pop music ever.