The Most Commercial Metal You Are Willing To Tolerate?


Infinite Idiocy
Dec 10, 2012
Path Of The Misanthrope
Title pretty much explains it. Since this started as an underground Metal website, most people tend to take a pretty dim view of commercial metal. However, how commercial is too commercial, in your mind?

I can still stomach the first couple SOAD and Slipknot albums, mainly for sentimental rather than musically-adept reasons, but I hate all their stuff after that because they definitely crossed the line from "making music" into "making music for money" at that point.

There are numerous other bands that have also crossed the line in this way, but the question is: where exactly is the line?
Metallica's S/T is arguably the most commercial metal album in existence and I tolerate it just fine, so...
I'll admit to sometimes listening to particular tracks off SOADs first album. They were pretty unique and hadn't yet become so annoying (especially with the vocal delivery)

Rammstein's Sensucht is still amazing. Some say it's not metal, but fuck 'em ;)
Deftones is shit. Fucking hipsters co-opted them as the one nu metal band that is somehow ok to like, so now everyone else feels obligated to like them too. Basically nu metal for shoegaze wimps. Listen to some Korn, pussies.
Deftones is shit. Fucking hipsters co-opted them as the one nu metal band that is somehow ok to like, so now everyone else feels obligated to like them too. Basically nu metal for shoegaze wimps. Listen to some Korn, pussies.

Deftones is better than anything you listen to, excepting DMDS.
If only great bands like Breaking benjamin and Daughtry were falling under the metal genre, I'd go on about how much I love them, etc. haha.

I used to be a big fan of this now shitty genre that they call Nu Metal. I'd listen to it everyday, especially Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit etc. But when I finally broke out of that immature bubble I was locked in and started to realize how much of a garbage it is, yeah, thats when I utterly let this shit of music go.

St Anger is one album I simply love, dunno why, but I just do. It has an intensity I cant find anywhere else.
As long as I like it I don't give a shit how commercial is it. That being said, I don't listen to very commercial metal - no love for SOAD, Korn, Rammstein and the likes.
You guys are so 00's, talking about nu-metal from your youth in a bad metal thread. Nobody even knows about this shit anymore you just remember it from your puberty fyi.
You guys are so 00's, talking about nu-metal from your youth in a bad metal thread. Nobody even knows about this shit anymore you just remember it from your puberty fyi.
Man, I cant tell you how much I agree with what you're saying here. And I feel sorry about myself for being one of these victims of this shit, when I was in my teens, and thought it was so good because it reflected my depressed mood at the time. I mean, how? Its simple, its because almost all of nu metal is about depressing things. So technically, when you listen to these kind of things, it kind of shows/means you are in depression, too. Or, you become depressed by listening to that shit. But I know there are some freaks out there who actually enjoy being depressed, so, who are we to stop them? Live and let live, as they say.
Disturbed's final two albums were pretty surprisingly good. Also liked Wrath by LoG to a point. Volbeat is pretty tolerable radio metal...
You guys are so 00's, talking about nu-metal from your youth in a bad metal thread. Nobody even knows about this shit anymore you just remember it from your puberty fyi.

fwiw I hated nu metal as a kid. I loved radio punk and grunge, but not nu metal. My appreciation for the Korn S/T has nothing to do with nostalgia and everything with it being a tortured masterpiece of metallic experimentation and brilliance that puts every DSBM album to shame. It takes a real patrician to appreciate an album like that.