Punk is dead

If you never heard bands like VOID,Bad Posture,Flipper,Government Issue,Discharge,or Husker Du's land speed record then you shouldn't even pretend you know punk..morons.
evil miscreant said:
If you never heard bands like VOID,Bad Posture,Flipper,Government Issue,Discharge,or Husker Du's land speed record then you shouldn't even pretend you know punk..morons.

I know some of those bands but punk isn't the main genre I listen to so you can't blame me.
Seriously. Punk is dead if you get your music from the radio and MTV.

If you dig, there's all kinds of good punk still going on. Just like any genre.

If you think the Casualties et al. are "the only real punk bands left"... you're not very punk.

Try harder.
Dee Snarl said:
Seriously. Punk is dead if you get your music from the radio and MTV.

If you dig, there's all kinds of good punk still going on. Just like any genre.

If you think the Casualties et al. are "the only real punk bands left"... you're not very punk.

Try harder.

I don't think the Casualties are the only true punk band left I was just giving an example.
Whoever said Dismemberment Plan was punk I disagree. And punk isnt dead it just blows. Maybe apart from Pretty Girls Make Graves.
Plenty of good punk bands that are still around, dont confuse sum41 with being "punk".

go check out - Hot water Music, Whiskey Sunday, F.Y.P, Leatherface,
and one of my fave at the moment even though they are an old band :

The Dwarves - check out the cover for their album "Blood Guts and Pussy" Now thats PUNK ROCK hahaha

The Dwarves -
At a record store I used to work at we had a few Dwarves vinyls, and one had a skull and crossbones on the cover... it took me about a month after getting it to realize that the "crossbones" were actually two sets of cock'n'balls... that was a disturbing day...

Count_Filth said:
Dude I hate punk so goddamn much, especially those queers from like green day and the unseen, they're all fuckin douche bags, all they do is bitch about the government and politics, just like the damn hippies, 'the facious government, and society is crumbling because of it, and the hipocrites...' and all that bullshit, I'm sick of it!
I seriously think that I speak for every true American out there when I say this..
"If you don't like how America works,

Long Live America!

....except for The Offspring, they rock.

holy fucking crap this is the best post ever.... :lol: x50
Punks not dead
Punk music is dead
Punk will eventually die out
It has too little of a following
I love alot of punk, and alot of people call me a 'punk' but
metal will never die
i only like the old punk... none of this new shit is good... i do hope rap dies soon... so metal can make their return on MTV... (AND YES I KNOW THAT MTV2 HAS HEADBANGERS BALL)
Hmm rap won´t die, it will become less popular
and metal/hard rock will become more popular, music is a product and products and demand are changing....
OfManAndMetal said:
i only like the old punk... none of this new shit is good... i do hope rap dies soon... so metal can make their return on MTV... (AND YES I KNOW THAT MTV2 HAS HEADBANGERS BALL)

I wouldn't want metal to go to MTV cause then preps and wiggers would like it and thats never good.