Pure crap talking thread.

no poll here

  • i'm so happy polls can't be removed when merging threads

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • me too, let's do it again

    Votes: 2 100.0%

  • Total voters
Hearse said:
I'm number one! :grin:
I finally did beat nogie...
You didnt believe in me Obiwan... but I proved you wrong! :lol: :p

i already told you what i think of your exploit elsewhere :bah: now don't go around spamming all boards about it, for glory is evanescent and temporary. and i'll give you rep only once every two times i give nogie, from now on. :p

Hearse said:
ohh yeah? I where just about to give you 12-13 points of rep.... but should I reconciderate? ;)

i don't aim to reach the heights, i just wish for a world where nogie has highest rep, post count, and owns us all. :)
but i accept, thank you. :grin:

edit: nogie only gave to me once, but i understand i can never hope to attract her attention. ;)

@deepinmisery: the server was down for the past 20 hours. apparently yes, you had to try access it from ip address only to get online in the past 20 minutes. :) now i think it's fixed though, i tried using the name and it worked.

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american priests own, no matter what the press say. tonight one of those showed me the most beautiful lord of the rings gadgets i've ever seen. there was a nondescript box with "lord of the rings" on it, written as in the movie logo. i opened the box. there was a small black velvet pouch inside. i opened the pouch. inside the pouch there was an EXACT REPRODUCTION OF THE POWER RING, with runes and all, and a golden chain (plastic, of course) attached to it. i think i am going to ask him to lend me the thing for one day and i'll have a real gold copy made. it was so fucking beautiful.
yo, dwarf, watch out or i'ma plant ya into tha ground. them tall people ain't gonna see no difference any.
:lol: a pop up that appeared on the screen, italians:

"entrare la lotteria di carta verde,

scattisis qui e applichisi alla sua carta verde online!

-una entrata -due entrati -tre entrati _someta_ " [<---this is a button]

"prendere la sua carta verde con la lotteria di carta verde"

surfing the net... found this:

Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiö

are these really words? :lol: finns are crazy
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