Question About Scene Kids

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They've known about it for a while. You know Genghis Tron? Friends of mine from college. Dictionary definition of "hipsters." Hamilton (geetar) ADORES Burzum and went to Norway on a black metal pilgrimage.
I have no idea what the difference between a hipster and a scene kid is though. Must be getting old.

I would imagine scene kids as being a subset of hipsters, since they are both trying to look hip, but being a hipster does not necessarily mean you follow a scene.
I think being a hipster means that you like a band because a certain group of other people you look up to do, but you don't really understand their music, and will quickly denounce their greatness once the trend is reversed. Sheep-mindedness.
I honestly cannot for the life of me enjoy albums whose flow I can't understand, so much of that "amazingly" dynamic hyper-technical and obscure stuff that is often glorified on these boards goes over my head.
I thought it was a good thing to be hip? Maybe my english isn't so good
It just means trendy. It's a good or bad thing depending on your point of view. People who are hip would be happy to announce that they are.
Who cares if someone is a poser or not? Live and let live. Worrying about posers is for children and insecure adults. As long as someone doesn't have a shitty personality, I couldn't care less what they look like or listen to.

So what are you saying? Don't judge?

everything needs judgment! If there was no judgment there would be no standards, and with no standards, no value.

So according to you, everyone should be clones. WTF man! :hypno:

These people are weak minded individuals with a certain slave morality that deserves our judgment.
So what are you saying? Don't judge?

everything needs judgment! If there was no judgment there would be no standards, and with no standards, no value.

So according to you, everyone should be clones. WTF man! :hypno:

These people are weak minded individuals with a certain slave morality that deserves our judgment.

So what are you saying? Don't judge?

everything needs judgment! If there was no judgment there would be no standards, and with no standards, no value.

So according to you, everyone should be clones. WTF man! :hypno:

These people are weak minded individuals with a certain slave morality that deserves our judgment.

For sure, as long as your requirements for judging a person are

a.) their hair
b.) what music they listen to

Myself, I stopped thinking like that when I was 16 or so and realized that the "preps" that I hated so much were in fact people too.
So according to you, everyone should be clones. WTF man! :hypno:
I don't know about Brooklyn, but everyone does seem to be a clone. Everywhere I go I see exactly the same haircuts, clothes, shoes, etc. It's one thing to set a standard, but when the standard is as poor as it is currently I think it's safe to say it nullifies any criticism. I still don't understand it, but I'd rather see a scene kid or hipster than another twat in trainers, a hoody/t-shirt and ill fitting blue jeans or polo shirt and shorts.
holy fuck it must be complicated being a kid today, fine so long as most realize they look and sound totally limp wristed
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