Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Yes.

Q: What are some songs that you find funny (lyric-wise)?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you think, therefore you are?
the more i think, the less time i have for just being, so - no.

did you ever understand the purpose of "scroll lock" on your keyboard?
A: Yes. It had a purpose "back in the days", but not anymore.

Q: Are you a fast typer?
A: Schadenfreude.

Q: How many official Dark Tranquillity albums do you own? (Including exports, EPs, full length studio albums, etc.)
A: Yes I do.

Q: What do you have hanging/posted on your bedroom wall?
A: Joystick, I think.

Q: What was your first computer (make, model, description, etc)?
commodore amiga 500, 7.14 Mhz, got a 2nd floppy drive and a RAM extension (from 512KB to 1MB, hell yeah) later.

A: A clone of an Apple II computer. It had 48KB of RAM, 5.25" drive and a "green screen" monitor.

Q: Isn't Malaclypse's avatar creepy?
A: I'm still going to school, and it's 50/50, some love me, some don't care, and some hate me for being a metalhead and doing things they don't understand

Q: Do you know the swedich band kaptain sun?
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