Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Nope.

Q: Doesn't the new Pope look like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars?
A: He does! I actually have a gif as an avatar on another board right now that displays that.

Q: What is the most disgusting drink you have ever tasted in your life?
A: milk mixed with mint syrup -i hate milk and mint- (it was for a stupid game in which you have to taste stuff and tell what's init)...

Q: Are you bored now?
A: Oh hell yes.

Q: What was the first metal song you ever liked?
A: For whom the bell tolls (Metallica)

Q: Would it be possible to really care for someone or something but forget about it?
A: Yes, i often think i'm too fat. The treatment i choose for it is to continue eating like i do, perhaps with a bit more chocolate added in the menu, because i realise it's just an irrational mind process of mine.

Q: What is your credit card number?
A: Not everyone, but we have a 96% forum sexiness. I believe that's a lot more than other forums. And enough reason for you (and other lurkers) to stay.

Q: Choose an item you'd like me to bring you from the Caribbean. If i ever go.
yeah - there are situations in life where you just can't avoid 'em. but honestly, a suit feels damn comfortable.

most annoying insect?
A: Mosquito.

Q: Any exciting happening to you this year?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you own a digital camera?
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