A: besides horror movies which made me jump a few times... when some dickhead hit me in the face and broke my glasses... I was in shock, so I don't remember being scared, but I couldn't realize if I still had two eyes: the glass cut my cheek quite deep and it was a huge instant bruise/swell... glass spreaded around the (5 stitches around the eye, eye-socket area) + stitched cheek... quite lucky I was...
A: When i got mugged. It wasn't exactly when it happened, but afterwards when i thought what else could/can happen. It's like when you think "it can't happen to me", but then it happens and you realise there's nothing you can do to stop it when it does..
Q: What is/do you want to be your next destination of travel?
A: Last Tue been to Newark/NewYork, yesterday came back from Cape May, South Jersey, both places are about 100 miles away from Philly (NYC by train and CM by car). Loved every aspect of it, cuz was travelling on express/been driven.
Q: Autostop, budget buses or express travelling/flights?
A: In fact, that's a VERY COOL idea. Fasten "Many Men"'s [for instance] beat, lay over some Maiden-influenced riffs, get decent vocals, stupid shit like that might be awesome. Done right, of course.
Q: How's your fall life schedule looks like: plans, pre-arrangements, countdowns, or just going with the flow (down the tube, he-he)?
A: Caught up on lounge/ambient/chillout, recent Avenged Sevenfold and songs from USSR times edit: newest Franz Ferdinand, H.I.M., Bon Jovi; old Sigur Ros: Takk wasn't too good at the first glance, got to listen to it more.