Question for the forum...


Locked & Loaded
Jan 7, 2004
I'm curious as to who people are favoring for the presidency with the primaries having kicked off and all?? Billy, I'd like to know who you're backing.. I love The Bottom Line!! And am curious if I'm close to your pick..

I'm all about Huckabee in the primary!! His 2nd Amendment stance is the best of all the candidates.. And if he doesn't get the nod I'm hoping for McCain.. His position on that Amendment is close to Huckabee's and both of them are in favor of a strong military presence and defense is a strong issue in these times which just seem to be getting worse..

As far as the Dems go.... There's no one really making me think any different about that particular party...Though if I had to pick someone either John Edwards or Bill Richardson would get my vote... No more fucking Clintons in the White House and NO FUCKING MUSLIMS!!!! Obama won't recognize the flag and he wants to be the Commander In Chief?? Get the fuck outta here!!!!

Anyway, that's me....What say you??

Sorta didn't wanna get into this so early. But as usual,


PART 1: Ron von Paul

I am solidly behind Ron Paul at this point. I know he's got no chance but his activities in the U.S. Congress are an excellent determiner of what sort of President he'd make.

Granted, he has some pointless platforms, has said some stupid things, and now it turns out he used to produce bizarre newsletters for conspiracy theorists.

Frankly, I don't give a damn. Judging solely by the powers that is vested in his office, and the responsibility he would have as commander in chief of the Armed Forces and the leader of the western world, Paul would be the most reasonable.

I'm so sick and tired of the Presidential race being some sort of popularity contest. A lot of people are huddling around Huckabee, Romney, Obama, and *choke* Edwards because they're clean-cut, well-mannered guys.

Well, great! What the hell does that mean for our country in the next four years?!

Bill Clinton was popular as hell during his Presidency, and look what kind of gawdy scandals and messes he made!

George W. came across as the nice, likeable guy TWICE, and he's a colossal fuck up.

To HELL with popularity!

I tell you right now: I'll take the stuttering, confused-looking candidate who's got the balls to face the sort of heavy shit that's about to hit the fan.

And it will get heavy. Here's a worst-case scenario:

The feds are dropping the ball on the inflation vs. banking conflict, unable to decide which is worse: hyperinflation or depression. They will probably opt for both, like they did in 1930.

If the economy collapses because of their stupidity, which of the current batch of candidates will have the balls to handle the global economic meltdown that will result?

Who will be able to deflect the terror threat which will attempt to take advantage of our weakness?

Who will take charge of the energy crunch and battle for domestic energy production to meet our immediate fossil fuel needs as well as our long-term alternative energy solutions? (i.e., who will stand up to "big oil" for once without resorting to failed socialist nationalising policy?)

Who will wrangle 15 million illegals who will be competing for work with the millions of unemployed citizens?

Who will monitor the super-rich who will attempt to buy up all of the failing businesses from the shattered middle class?

I have no confidence in any of the jerks who are strutting around right now. They all sound alike. They all look alike. Whenever I hear the word "change" it just means a change of sex or skin colour, or hair drift.

PART 2: The Ubama

As for Barrack Obama, he's got the added liability of being black in a racist country. Suppose some white supremacist comes along and blows him away.

How will Americans react to the assassination of the first black president?

More importantly, how will the black community react?

I foresee white America hung over in shock and guilt, petrified while black America goes on a Rodney King Rampage across this nation, reducing every city to ashes, and throwing our country into the dark ages.

Assassination (and likely, this eventuality) is one of the reasons Colin-Powell's wife gave why she didn't want her husband to run for president.

Like I said... there are serious problems out there. We'd better have someone principled and determined enough to take command without pandering to the masses or stepping all over our constitution.

I don't know if Ron Paul can, but he seems to be the best shot.

I don't think Barack Obama can, but there's always prayer...

i like Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter, but Hunter isnt generating much heat and Thompson started out great, but hasnt shown the desire to really build from the initial heat he generated.

i cant look at a single Dem and think any would be good for this nation. Hillary is a Socialist nightmare, Obama pushed for a bill that would allow infantcide... not just abortion or even partial-birth abortion... but the right of parents to murder a child after it has been born! :OMG:
so, if little Jr. is born and you decide after seeing him that his feet are too big or you dont like that strawberry birthmark on his cheek, you can have him gassed like a stray dog. :err:
in other words, like most Muzzies, Obama has no respect for human life.

Edwards is a fraud. he talks about the '2 Americas' while he tries to force a poor man off of land his family has owned for generations, just so he can expand the already elaborate Edwards complex.

if it comes down to it, i'll go with Huckabee. he doesnt exactly set me on fire, but it looks like he's going to be the guy and every vote for him is a vote the Dems wont get.
Sorry Jurch...You know me always making people do things they don't want to do:heh:

I really like Ron Paul as well... But like you said he hasn't got a prayer of getting the nod and if I have to pick one of the two no prayer guys I feel like Huckabee has a better shot.


Sorta didn't wanna get into this so early. But as usual,


PART 1: Ron von Paul

I am solidly behind Ron Paul at this point. I know he's got no chance but his activities in the U.S. Congress are an excellent determiner of what sort of President he'd make.

Granted, he has some pointless platforms, has said some stupid things, and now it turns out he used to produce bizarre newsletters for conspiracy theorists.

Frankly, I don't give a damn. Judging solely by the powers that is vested in his office, and the responsibility he would have as commander in chief of the Armed Forces and the leader of the western world, Paul would be the most reasonable.

I'm so sick and tired of the Presidential race being some sort of popularity contest. A lot of people are huddling around Huckabee, Romney, Obama, and *choke* Edwards because they're clean-cut, well-mannered guys.

Well, great! What the hell does that mean for our country in the next four years?!

Bill Clinton was popular as hell during his Presidency, and look what kind of gawdy scandals and messes he made!

George W. came across as the nice, likeable guy TWICE, and he's a colossal fuck up.

To HELL with popularity!

I tell you right now: I'll take the stuttering, confused-looking candidate who's got the balls to face the sort of heavy shit that's about to hit the fan.

And it will get heavy. Here's a worst-case scenario:

The feds are dropping the ball on the inflation vs. banking conflict, unable to decide which is worse: hyperinflation or depression. They will probably opt for both, like they did in 1930.

If the economy collapses because of their stupidity, which of the current batch of candidates will have the balls to handle the global economic meltdown that will result?

Who will be able to deflect the terror threat which will attempt to take advantage of our weakness?

Who will take charge of the energy crunch and battle for domestic energy production to meet our immediate fossil fuel needs as well as our long-term alternative energy solutions? (i.e., who will stand up to "big oil" for once without resorting to failed socialist nationalising policy?)

Who will wrangle 15 million illegals who will be competing for work with the millions of unemployed citizens?

Who will monitor the super-rich who will attempt to buy up all of the failing businesses from the shattered middle class?

I have no confidence in any of the jerks who are strutting around right now. They all sound alike. They all look alike. Whenever I hear the word "change" it just means a change of sex or skin colour, or hair drift.

PART 2: The Ubama

As for Barrack Obama, he's got the added liability of being black in a racist country. Suppose some white supremacist comes along and blows him away.

How will Americans react to the assassination of the first black president?

More importantly, how will the black community react?

I foresee white America hung over in shock and guilt, petrified while black America goes on a Rodney King Rampage across this nation, reducing every city to ashes, and throwing our country into the dark ages.

Assassination (and likely, this eventuality) is one of the reasons Colin-Powell's wife gave why she didn't want her husband to run for president.

Like I said... there are serious problems out there. We'd better have someone principled and determined enough to take command without pandering to the masses or stepping all over our constitution.

I don't know if Ron Paul can, but he seems to be the best shot.

I don't think Barack Obama can, but there's always prayer...

As long as Hillary doesn't win I am a happy camper! I kinda like Huckabee, but without the IRS and taxes, who is going to pay my salary?
i like Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter, but Hunter isnt generating much heat and Thompson started out great, but hasnt shown the desire to really build from the initial heat he generated.

i cant look at a single Dem and think any would be good for this nation. Hillary is a Socialist nightmare, Obama pushed for a bill that would allow infantcide... not just abortion or even partial-birth abortion... but the right of parents to murder a child after it has been born! :OMG:
so, if little Jr. is born and you decide after seeing him that his feet are too big or you dont like that strawberry birthmark on his cheek, you can have him gassed like a stray dog. :err:
in other words, like most Muzzies, Obama has no respect for human life.

Edwards is a fraud. he talks about the '2 Americas' while he tries to force a poor man off of land his family has owned for generations, just so he can expand the already elaborate Edwards complex.

if it comes down to it, i'll go with Huckabee. he doesnt exactly set me on fire, but it looks like he's going to be the guy and every vote for him is a vote the Dems wont get.

I'm with you Sue on Thompson or Hunter. Like you said Hunter just is not getting his name or platform out there. I don't know what happend to THompson. I guess his heart really is not in it too win.

No fucking way could I ever vote for a Dem.
For the record Obama is more of a Socialist than Clinton. This guy is my...a-hem "Senator" and there is not one thing I can think of where he voted (or lack of vote) that was not a leftist ideal.

I had a better link but can't find it right now.
Here is a small one on his voting record
I'm with you Sue on Thompson or Hunter. Like you said Hunter just is not getting his name or platform out there. I don't know what happend to THompson. I guess his heart really is not in it too win.

No fucking way could I ever vote for a Dem.
For the record Obama is more of a Socialist than Clinton. This guy is my...a-hem "Senator" and there is not one thing I can think of where he voted (or lack of vote) that was not a leftist ideal.

I had a better link but can't find it right now.
Here is a small one on his voting record

Obama is a true 'empty suit.' i cant imagine why anyone would think he would make a good leader of this nation.

meanwhile, Hunter has a PERFECT Conservative voting record. why the Republican base isnt rallying around him, i'll never know.
Hi T-Man...good to see you're still alive and kicking. Well this is from the overseas observer, who still hasn't been to the States, but of course is interested in this whole thing. And of course, the next American president and his (or her? I hope not) foreign policy will have the influence on the asshole of the world I live in.
I think it's very early to say anything from the first primaries. But anyway, the whole world chants Hillary and Obama. The first woman in the White House, wow! The first black man in the White House, woooooow! Where's the word on the republican candidates? I see, I have to look them up on the Internet, because media pretend that they just don't exist.
Anyway, if I were an American citizen, my first pick would be Giulliani (if he runs). The second would probably be Ron Paul, but you guys say he doesn't seem to have a chance.
Hi T-Man...good to see you're still alive and kicking.

Johnnie, right back at you bro!! I hope everything is good with you:kickass:
You still beating the skins?? I haven't seen a Steve post in awhile although I haven't been here all that much lately..

I like both Ron Paul & Rudy Giuliani but have to try and be realistic about their chances... But I would vote for Paul in a second if he had a chance to get the Republican nod..
this is the problem i have with Ron Paul and his frothing, derelict followers:

1) Paul was once involved with a conspiracy theory newsletter, catering to the most paranoid and psychotic loons of this society. even now, as he's running to lead this nation, he's telling those nutbag 9/11 'Truthers' that their concerns are legitimate and that as soon as he's in office, he and Dennis Kucinich [UFO guy] will form YET, ANOTHER committee to investigate what really happened on 9/11.

2) he says 'we asked for' 9/11.
sure, he tried to qualify that statement by saying it was our foreign policy, but that just doesnt wash. he wants us out of the Middle East and pretty much everywhere else.
what he misses is that our foreign policy, while not making us the most popular belle at the ball, has kept us a superpower and kept us prosperous.
if we were to pull out of all the areas he says we should, what would happen?
well, other, aggressive and anti-western nations would move in, take over, and choke off resources that we rely on.
we'd be crippled. under Paul's command we'd become a Third World crap heap in record time.
with no resources coming in, no allies [since Paul would have us turn our backs on everybody] and a crippled economy, we'd have the wolves at our door and marching down our streets.

given those two reasons, i'd be thrilled if Paul and all his followers would just pack up and move to Cambodia or Ethiopia. if a destitute, powerless nation is what you crave, then have it, but dont subject the rest of us to it.
Johnnie, right back at you bro!! I hope everything is good with you:kickass:
You still beating the skins?? I haven't seen a Steve post in awhile although I haven't been here all that much lately..

I like both Ron Paul & Rudy Giuliani but have to try and be realistic about their chances... But I would vote for Paul in a second if he had a chance to get the Republican nod..

Hey, everything good, yeah, still beating... I think Steve chimes in from time to time.
The thing with Giulliani... is he skipping primaries or what? I can't really comprehend it.
this is the problem i have with Ron Paul and his frothing, derelict followers:

1) Paul was once involved with a conspiracy theory newsletter, catering to the most paranoid and psychotic loons of this society. even now, as he's running to lead this nation, he's telling those nutbag 9/11 'Truthers' that their concerns are legitimate and that as soon as he's in office, he and Dennis Kucinich [UFO guy] will form YET, ANOTHER committee to investigate what really happened on 9/11..

I had no idea that he was in with the UFO retard (Who was on the radio here in Boston on Monday)

2) he says 'we asked for' 9/11.
sure, he tried to qualify that statement by saying it was our foreign policy, but that just doesnt wash. he wants us out of the Middle East and pretty much everywhere else..

Well he can basically go fuck himself for a comment like that!!! Now I don't want him running the country anymore than I want Obama!!! (Which by the way Sue, I didn't know about the infantcide thing..It just makes me hate him even more!!!)

I'm sticking with my original plan which is to support my man Huckabee till McCain wins the Republican nod at which point I'll vote for him..
Hey, everything good, yeah, still beating... I think Steve chimes in from time to time.
The thing with Giulliani... is he skipping primaries or what? I can't really comprehend it.

Glad to hear everything is good with you dude!! No, Giulliani is in the primary trying to push his way to the front of the line. It's just that it seems like the other candidates are pushing harder than he is... The only thing he seems to be concentrating is Romney, And I have a better chance of being president than Romney does!!
Well he can basically go fuck himself for a comment like that!!! Now I don't want him running the country anymore than I want Obama!!! (Which by the way Sue, I didn't know about the infantcide thing..It just makes me hate him even more!!!)

I'm sticking with my original plan which is to support my man Huckabee till McCain wins the Republican nod at which point I'll vote for him..

Its true that Paul has said some retarded stuff; well, imprudent.

His way of saying "We asked for 9/11" is retarded, but correct: Bill Clinton's poor policy of keeping a presence in the Middle East while blindly ignoring the growing terror threat was basically holding out a pot for bin Laden to piss in. And he did. With fatal results for us.

But I'm no longer getting steamed at what the candidates say, from either side. They all talk varying levels of vague shit.

I'm attempting to judge them based on what they sow rather than how they fertilize.

Based on that, Paul's the top pick. He's not gonna fold until the convention anyway, so we'll see who else hangs on. Hopefully Thompson will remain in the race and some of the others will bow out early.

Glad to hear everything is good with you dude!! No, Giulliani is in the primary trying to push his way to the front of the line. It's just that it seems like the other candidates are pushing harder than he is... The only thing he seems to be concentrating is Romney, And I have a better chance of being president than Romney does!!

Yeah, Romney... a republican governor in a very blue, gay-marriages-state? Also, he's a Mormon worshipper, isn't he?

I had no idea that he was in with the UFO retard (Who was on the radio here in Boston on Monday)

Well he can basically go fuck himself for a comment like that!!! Now I don't want him running the country anymore than I want Obama!!! (Which by the way Sue, I didn't know about the infantcide thing..It just makes me hate him even more!!!)

I'm sticking with my original plan which is to support my man Huckabee till McCain wins the Republican nod at which point I'll vote for him..

Ron Paul reminds me of that crazy, drunken uncle that we all have. you love the guy, but you wouldnt trust him to water your plants while you were out of town, much less run the nation.
There is No true "Reagan" Conservative on the Right with a chance to win. For a person on the left it's a win no matter who they vote for. The Right Wing has spent too much time pulverizing Clinton and not shoring up their party with issues that matter to conservatives..

I will probably vote for Huckabee. But I like Ron Paul because he's a bit whacked and passionate. You need some mental instability to be a good president.

Obama pushed for a bill that would allow infantcide... not just abortion or even partial-birth abortion... but the right of parents to murder a child after it has been born! :OMG:
so, if little Jr. is born and you decide after seeing him that his feet are too big or you dont like that strawberry birthmark on his cheek, you can have him gassed like a stray dog. :err:
in other words, like most Muzzies, Obama has no respect for human life.

Links please.
Johnnie, right back at you bro!! I hope everything is good with you:kickass:
I haven't seen a Steve post in awhile although I haven't been here all that much lately..

I like both Ron Paul & Rudy Giuliani but have to try and be realistic about their chances... But I would vote for Paul in a second if he had a chance to get the Republican nod..

I'm right here dude:kickass:

As far as choices for President go, it would have been Biden for the Dems because he is about the only one out of the lot with a spine, but since he dropped out I have no idea who I am going to vote for now. You can bet it won't be Hillary, that I am certain of. I'm not real thrilled with the choices I have for Dems. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would be Ron Paul. .