Question for the Guys!!!

Silver Raven

Evil Wench
Apr 7, 2002
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Ok all you guys out's a few questions for truthful!

1) which do you notice first....a smile or her boobs??

2) does a girl have to have the same taste in music as you do?

3) would you let a girl paint your toe nails?

:p :D
1) boobs, but the smile is what matters in the end

2) as long as it's not crap it's fine with me

3) Hmmmm depending on the color she wants to use
Originally posted by Thanatos
1) boobs, but the smile is what matters in the end

2) as long as it's not crap it's fine with me

3) Hmmmm depending on the color she wants to use

I can honestly say Ive noticed girls boobs before Ive noticed there face and Im a chick...and what if the girl wanted to paint them hot pink? :)
Originally posted by Thanatos
1) boobs, but the smile is what matters in the end

2) as long as it's not crap it's fine with me

3) Hmmmm depending on the color she wants to use

Odd... that's pretty much what I think too. :lol:

No pop, rap, nu-metal or country, and I'm okay with the music...

Hot pink, definitely not. :p
Originally posted by Silver Raven
I can honestly say Ive noticed girls boobs before Ive noticed there face and Im a chick...and what if the girl wanted to paint them hot pink? :)

If I'm into the girl very much, I think I'd let her paint them any color she wanted, after all, I doubt somebody else would see ;)
Originally posted by Thanatos
If I'm into the girl very much, I think I'd let her paint them any color she wanted, after all, I doubt somebody else would see ;)

I'd draw the line at hot pink though....

Originally posted by Thanatos
If I'm into the girl very much, I think I'd let her paint them any color she wanted, after all, I doubt somebody else would see ;)

What if she was like one of your bestfriends?? Would you left her then??:cool:
1) her boobs, but that doesn't mean, that her smile doesn't matters
2) no, it's also fun to annoy her with playing metal in your stereo the whole time :)
3) hm, i would let her paint my fingernails, but toenails... nooo...
Originally posted by Soilworker
1) Both... I let nothing slip by my eyes... o_O`

2) No. But hopefully she will respect my tastes, as I would respect hers...

3) Yes.

1 and 2 are the same for me...but for 3 it matters how close we are..and what I get for compensation :D
1) which do you notice first....a smile or her boobs??
--Honestly, her smile. Boobs aren't all that important to me. More than a handful is just a waste :p

2) does a girl have to have the same taste in music as you do?
--No, but it helps. If I like her, I'm open to her interests, as I hope she'd be open to mine

3) would you let a girl paint your toe nails?
--I already have...'nuff said
Why only three questions???

1) I never realised anybody used the word "boobs" any more... Anyway: if the smile is a nice one, it's the smile. If she hasn't got a nice smile, it's the boobs. I always look for the smile first.

2) No pop, nu-rock, dance, rap, Irish folk music. Classical, blues, jazz etc. is fine. But if this girl was "the one" then it wouldn't matter. As long as I never hear it.

3) I doubt it.
1)smile but after that I check the boobs
2)as long as she is not a Nsync fan I am ok with it
3)I don't think I would
Originally posted by rustymetal
Why only three questions???

1) I never realised anybody used the word "boobs" any more... Anyway: if the smile is a nice one, it's the smile. If she hasn't got a nice smile, it's the boobs. I always look for the smile first.

2) No pop, nu-rock, dance, rap, Irish folk music. Classical, blues, jazz etc. is fine. But if this girl was "the one" then it wouldn't matter. As long as I never hear it.

3) I doubt it.

Because those were the "nicest" questions I could think of to ask you silly man :lol: