Question to Borknagar members...

asgeir said:
You might find some good news here then:

- Asgeir

Believe it or not: Borknagar is doing one gig this year. The date is the 30th of September (we'd better start rehearsing...) and the whole thing is going down at Rockefeller, Oslo. This gig will be done with the "Empiricism" line-up, and we are all looking forward to the event!


I wish I could be at the show in Oslo on Sep 30th, this will be an amazing show with the Empiricism line-up. Is this line-up going to stay like this, or is this a one time thing?.
My impression is that it will be a one-time thing for this line-up or else they would have stated otherwise, but I wouldn't object if they kept it.
valgalder said:
They have Epic at my local walmart! ha! Strange... but anyway, Quintenssence is still my favorite. I just love the wacky medolies / vocal harmonies... I think the last couple the keyboards are too much, need to let the guitars breathe... but otherwise I love it all.. Garm, Simen, Vintersorg.. all have their own great qualities...

btw, the new Ulver is fucking FANTASTIC!

Wish simon would do another Lamnted Souls album,.... and Vintersorg.. just no more Otyg? heheh...


btw, Camel rules!

Epic at Wal-mart? That is the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! The heaviest thing in the Wal-mart around here is Danzig's Circle of Snakes. And that is a good place for it.
asgeir said:
It's just a gig for fun (and you might say old times sake, no big deal) and celebrating Scream magazine which I've made for freekin' 15 years/100 issues! Last night we had our first rehearsal in 3 years. Great fun!

- Asgeir

WOW, THREE YEARS!? That must have been wild after so long!
dia_hain said:
What bands do you listen to now? Do you find your tastes changing?

I recently picked up an "album" of the oslo string quartet's, I don't know what pieces they're performing on it since I'm not too familiar with either them or the album, yet. I also found a copy of an oslo wind quintet's performance, as well as a copy of Canada's Aeolian wind quintet (I can't recall the album I picked up since I do not have it nearby). These are all fundamentally spooky and pretty pieces.

I wonder if the Kronos quartet, my favorite string quartet, will ever consider performing with a wind quintet, or if they'll ever do a version of the pink panther theme.

Also, I picked up some Macabre albums the other day, specifically Dahmer and Minstrels. Those guys not only rock, they're freakin' funny.
for whom it might concern, a correction

the (Scandinavian) instrumental pieces I recently picked up were:

the Oslo Wind Ensemble, performing Scandinavian wind quintets


the Oslo string quartet, performing Twentieth Century Norwegian string quartets.

I'd recommend the string quartet album before I would recommend the wind quintet album, but that could just be because wind quintets is a new phenomenon for my ears.

Lastly, if anyone finds the string quartet thing curious, be sure to check out Schubert's Death and the Maiden. It is my favorite favorite.
I get what you guys are saying about Metallica I mean they used to be my favourite band and they also got me into Metal. However now days I hate their new stuff and I think they are nothing in comparison to the likes of Borknagar/ Vintersorg/Novembre etc however they do still hold a special place for me.

One thing however I can say about Metallica, they were really really good live.
asgeir said:
Vættur, how old are you?

- Asgeir
I am 22 years old. If I didn´t have the Metallica old/new albums right, it´s not that I´m 11 years old, it´s because I don´t like the stuff I´ve heard from them and don´t care about them. I´ve been listening to metal for 8-9 years now, but I don´t see why I should pay tribute to bands who helped sculpting the genre, but which I think suck. That´s just me.

What was your point, anyway? I can take it. :grin:
Guess the point has been covered already, but point is that we can't deny the fact that most people are mainly influenced by the current music - not the old. The music of today is obviously shaped by the music of the past. I like the newer death metal but I don't like the old Morbid Angel, Deicide albums that much - reason is that I didn't listen to it when it came out (reason today is the poor sound). I love the first Metallica-albums, and the main reason might be because they were released when I grew up (yes, I'm that old...). I don't like the new Metallica albums (meaning from "...and justice"), mostly because they're different from the first three albums and that I (at that point) probably liked a zillion other bands and could compare.

...and then you have the curse of being a musician: You don't like "anything".

- Asgeir
I see where you´re going Asgeir, and I agree. But I find it rich in metal-discussions that you´re "supposed to" like the big old bands that sculpted the genre: Metallica, Megadeth, Iron maiden and so on. Some would call it hypocrisy to not to. I clearly don´t get that logic.

You talk about poor sound which is absolutely the main reason for why I don´t listen to many old bands. For the same reason my CD collection, which holds hundreds upon hundreds of CDs, only holds a handful of CDs that were released before 1990. The quality of the music doesn´t get me 100% unless the sound is good.
Asgeir makes a very good point. That is why I don't like pretty much all the old "classic" metal bands, that most people who like metal LOVE, (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Slayer, etc). Because everything that made them special in the past or to people who started listening to metal with them, I find being done better in current music. (Please don't hate me for not liking those bands)
karpsmom said:
(Please don't hate me for not liking those bands)
It's going to be tough, but I'll try :cool: . But seriously don't worry about anyone else because in the end it's you're ears (If you know what I mean ;) )
I think I fall more into the "old-school" category, but I can completely agree with a lot of the statements being made. I like Black Sabbath, but I've always liked the stuff with Dio better than the Ozzy-era, which is like Black Sabbath sacrilage. Some bands, I'll always like and that's partially due to sentiment. The time and place that something came out have a lot to do with the way people perceive a musician or group. I wasn't around when Hendrix was alive, so I never have been able to appreciate what he did within the context of the time. The same can apply to whatever other bands or styles. When I first got into metal, Iron Maiden had come to fore within the previous 5 years, Metallica and Megadeth were up-and-comers, and they seemed really dangerous, exciting, and fresh. So, from the standpoint of the typical "back in the day" type of guy, a good amount of newer metal has always sounded like a bit of a rehash of what I had heard before. I guess that's part of what got me into the whole Scandinavian scene--it was something different, and many of the bands have successfully merged a lot of aggression with a lot of melody, and there has been a good amount of experimentation that has gone on. I never really cared for straight-up black or death metal, but if you mix that in with some other stuff, you can get some cool things happening.
It finally dawned on me that I may have misinterpreted the intentions of this thread when posting my previous comments herein. It's likely that "question to Borknagar members" means members of the band, not participants of the message board.

sorry about the distraction dia, guys.
Erik Tiwaz said:
I always thought you grew up with the first Kiss-releases...

I thought it was the Rolling Stones...MMMUUUOOOHHHhahahahahahaha

the young and beautiful mr V
Øjeblikket said:
It finally dawned on me that I may have misinterpreted the intentions of this thread when posting my previous comments herein. It's likely that "question to Borknagar members" means members of the band, not participants of the message board.

sorry about the distraction dia, guys.

Oh well, it's been an interesting thread.