Question to Borknagar members...

Haha I'm so going to sound like a total gay fanboy here, but I think specially for someone who's kinda isolated in New Zealand liking metal its pretty FUCKING awesome being able to discuss metal with musicians who are actually involved in the scene.

So now that I've got that out.

I'm not really into the real older stuff either like old black metal or death metal doesn't really interest me as much as newer stuff as I see it as being more innovative and experimental (well what I listen to anyway) if you know what I mean.
I wonder if any of the band members like Nevermore? In my opinion I think they're the best metal band of today and theyre going to be hailed as one of the greatest by the time they call it a day. Jeff Loomis is the supreme guitar player in metal and warrel is the last great classic metal vocalist. All hail Nevermore.
Devy_Metal said:
I wonder if any of the band members like Nevermore? In my opinion I think they're the best metal band of today and theyre going to be hailed as one of the greatest by the time they call it a day. Jeff Loomis is the supreme guitar player in metal and warrel is the last great classic metal vocalist. All hail Nevermore.

Yeah, Nevermore was awesome live. I saw them on the Gigantour.:flame: I don't know that they are the best metal band of today because Borknagar has that throne.
Øjeblikket said:
It finally dawned on me that I may have misinterpreted the intentions of this thread when posting my previous comments herein. It's likely that "question to Borknagar members" means members of the band, not participants of the message board.

sorry about the distraction dia, guys.

I knew that was going to happen. haha
Vintersorg said:
I thought it was the Rolling Stones...MMMUUUOOOHHHhahahahahahaha

the young and beautiful mr V

i think this comment puts richard simmons to shame....

haha just kidding :)
as young as i am (19), i grew up with the classics...although i never liked the rolling stones. but i like pink floyd and various thrash and hair bands. does anyone rememeber bands like manilla road? does anyone see borknagar still performing while in their 60s?
DragonKeeper said:
hmm..who is this buddy rich?
He was a phenomenal jazz drummer, and had a career that lasted 70 years.

I've only seen him on TV as well, but my old drummer had a few videos of him that blew me away completely.
I have a current obssesion with Devin Townsend, I seriously can't get enough of this guys beautiful music
OK youngsters, I am a really old guy who lurks quite a bit on this forum. I turn 48 years old next week. I was around and listening to Metal when the old Sabbath was young and cranking it out. I am a music fan of many varied tastes, and go through many different cycles. I've taken vacations from Metal that have lasted up to 10 years, only to come back and be blown away by what is going on and how the music has evolved. I tell you one thing, I absolutely LOVE the Scandanavian scene, especially bands like BORKNAGAR, Vintersorg, Solefald, Moonsorrow, Arcturus, Thyrfing, Enslaved, Opeth, Katatonia, and the list goes on! I am also an old Progressive Rock head, and I absolutely LOVE the progressive elements that are at play in this brand of Metal. Personally, I can't stand so called "Progressive Metal" bands like Dream Theater and Symphony X. Too much frickin' wanking on their god damn instruments. So you are a frickin' genius soloist? So what? Give me strong song composition, dynamic interplay of instruments that compliment each other instead of overwhelm each other, and real aggression and emotions!!! The Scandanavian soul burns bright to this old guy in Indiana. I have so much respect for these bands. To be honest I put somebody like Asgeir and Martin Lopez up there with many jazz greats on drums because they play interesting things that compliment the music, with a lot of heart and soul, and taste, even if the music is a raging inferno! Hell, if you want to hear a raging inferno, go listen to some latter day John Coltrane!

HAIL dudes, and keep the juices flowing! I can't wait to hear what you guys are doing in 10-15 years because I will be listening. I know I am gushing like some teenage fan boy, but hell, I don't care. Your music inspires me, and the beauty and soul is radiant!


An aging forty-something fan man....

to quote the "sound discution": there so many bands that have a "bad sound", but the composition is really amazing. there are a lot of great albums which sounds "bad" , but still being good albums. if you listen Burzum, he don't sounds good but the music is incredible!!!! hoy many mands has been infuenced by burzum? a lot. (black metal bands the most)

if you listen the first albums of borknagar... they don't sounds good but are awesome albums, the essence, the feeling, the power... that things has no relation with sound. (the same can be said of vintersorg, otyg, emperor, gorgoroth, immortal, kampfar, falkenbach, isengard, forefather, etc) but my favourite is empiricism xDDD

even there are bands which sound better day to day , but the music is worst. an example? Dimmu Borgir. the first albums are great, but don't have the actual sound. the last albums got a incredible production, sound, etc, but the music in essence is really bad. Stormblast and For All Tid are the best albums of them ... you listen death cult armageddon you'll see it sucks , sounds really good but still sucks.

i got to say that Asgeir is one of the best drummers i have heard in the metal scene... (in all the music styles too) listen empiricism, epic, quintessence or V.F.T.S.G. of the focusing blur from vintersorg and you will see.

another drummers i like:

richard christy
gene hoglan
martin lopez
sean reinert

to finish... the "metallica discution". i don't like metallica. is a fact they are one of the first thrash metal bands and the 3 first albums are good, but aren't awesome of the greatest thrash albums in history. there a lot of bands so much better and older (or the same age) than metallica, (slayer, testament, sodom, kreator, destruction, etc). the AJFA for me sucks, like all records of metallica since it. is OVERRATED BAND, just for be old. they has only 3 good albums. if you listen testament almost all them albums are really good, since the first to the last.