
people wearing, say, squirrel or fox costumes and then "sleeping with each other" ;-) I wonder why you don't know that, that's pretty basic stuff
the music, of course.

not wanting to be a cock but imo that wouldnt really matter. appreciation of the lyrics may depend on your experiences but the music itself i believe doesnt require you to be a murderer. im not sure a murderer would 'get' the music more than your average black metal fan. just curious, how do you see experience like that affecting the listeners understanding of the music itself?
4. The Church did a lot of wrong doings in the past including the crusades, and it is still encapsulated in mystery, but you cannot deny its contribution to humanity and the hundreds of missionaries it sends to countries in need. And remember one thing the church is made of people and people can be thwarted by sin, and people are different ex you cannot compare pope alexander 6th with the receantly deceased pope who was so close with his people and spread love throughout the world.

well, let's just say that sending missionaries is exactly one of those things that makes christianity a sickening religion. why don't christian let other people believe what they want and let them live like they want to live ...
almost every country visited by missionaries is worse off than before! they had developed ways of life which fitted best for them, but then they were forced to live in a christian (thus European) way ...
and for modern day missionaries: why the hell do only people who become christian deserve help? ... it's christianity that is responsable often for their misery in the first place!
how can you possibly think it is a good thing that those missionaries are telling people that condoms don't work and are bad when they are dieing of AIDS ...
don't explain it to me, because I do know actually why christians do stuff like this (I'm studying it at university so please keep your explanations to yourself).

let's make a deal: you keep believing in what some politicians decided in the fourth century, and let the rest of the world believe whatever they want and let them live in the way they want to be! no one is waiting to hear about some fantasy to determine their lifes!

so, it was my final word. there has been a topic like this one before, and to be honest, I don't want to be sickened again by stupidity and egocentric shit that you christians are portreying all the time for the past 2000 years! (and no I don't only mean those crimes against humanity, although no one has ever committed as much as christians have, catholic or otherwise, but I also mean by making people feel guilty about every thing that they feel and want, or for enjoying themselves!)

it is a simple fact: without christianity, the world would be much more developed by now, and much more people would be able to live a normal, natural and good way of life. I would refer you to the books and philosophers to read, because you are so brainwashed, but oh well, what good would it do (okay okay: start with Richard Dawkins).

p.s.: oh just had to add that every pope of the 20th century (and so far the 21st as well) has been a dictator with the blood of millions on their hands, not for the crimes in the past, but for the ones they have committed every day (like aiding the nazi's, like supressing the labourers, like allowing people to spread AIDS and let them keep breeding so that Africa is overpopulated, like humiliating other religions, ....)
not wanting to be a cock but imo that wouldnt really matter. appreciation of the lyrics may depend on your experiences but the music itself i believe doesnt require you to be a murderer. im not sure a murderer would 'get' the music more than your average black metal fan. just curious, how do you see experience like that affecting the listeners understanding of the music itself? just have to try it yourself.

1. find an artist you are iffy about
2. look up their history
3. repeat their most profound action
4. listen again

i'm in the process right now....when i turn 30, i'm going to get a sex change.
delete this thread....

btw, this is why religion sucks

listen to all of you bitching about religion, its an institution, most people use it for power and control, is proven, whether there is a god or not, wake up and stop denying it.

look up at the top of the page. it says opeth.

/wrists now for christs sake
^ I'm Christian (kind of) and I agree with every word you just said.
Religion is evil (bad). Faith is OK as long as it does not go against emperical "truths".

On a more serious note:
I'm glad I could enlighten y'all on furry porn.
Dophins don't have fur but they are still mammals right?
I found this to be quite an enthralling read.
Considering Saul (oops sorry, not the same guy who persecuted christians, I meant PAUL) preached about how his "vision" needed to be understood and followed, and bam soon christianity spread through word of mouth like wildfire due to the awesome gifts it gave you (i.e. super cool friendship with a god, everlasting life, etc). Luckily I don't believe in fairytales, the bible is one funny book though. Modern-day christianity makes no sense, and If I was to put faith into any god id believe in Zeus because he casts lightning bolts. Or if im thirsty and I don't want to ask jesus for some wine, i'll just ask Dionysus to make me some. :)
Here I want to answer Black session
the thing about condoms you mentioned, the thing about AIDS was not advocated by Christ. The church, being made of people like you and me, sometimes makes wrong decisions and makes a lot of rules which many christians like myself do not abide with. Pls try to open your mind: Chrisitanity is not about living an aierie fairie life where people watch God tv and that sort of shit, and pls when you speak about Chrisitanity do not mingle it with the church, as it is an instituition which many times has been used by politicians as a tool, unfortunately. And pls balance your argument - I agree with you that missionaries often have forced in a polite way people to Chrisitanity, but you cannot deny the work done by organizations such as that of Mother Theresa.
Furthermore as an instituition the church is made up of people who corrupt but pls pay attention when you generalize, the church has also people which truly follow Christ's teachings. You seem to have little knowledge of the bible pls read it and you would open your mind and then you would start to believe that the teachings of Christ have been thwarted by man.
Here I want to answer Black session
the thing about condoms you mentioned, the thing about AIDS was not advocated by Christ. The church, being made of people like you and me, sometimes makes wrong decisions and makes a lot of rules which many christians like myself do not abide with. Pls try to open your mind: Chrisitanity is not about living an aierie fairie life where people watch God tv and that sort of shit, and pls when you speak about Chrisitanity do not mingle it with the church, as it is an instituition which many times has been used by politicians as a tool, unfortunately. And pls balance your argument - I agree with you that missionaries often have forced in a polite way people to Chrisitanity, but you cannot deny the work done by organizations such as that of Mother Theresa.
Furthermore as an instituition the church is made up of people who corrupt but pls pay attention when you generalize, the church has also people which truly follow Christ's teachings. You seem to have little knowledge of the bible pls read it and you would open your mind and then you would start to believe that the teachings of Christ have been thwarted by man.

you have proven that you are blind and brainwashed ...
I actually have read the bible, which proofs everything I detest in christianity. like I said: I know what I'm talking about (probably read more about it than you, and yes both the opposers as the supporters) and I know what you are going to answer every time, because it is always the same thing. you christians always say the same shit, because you all have been brainwashed from as early as you were born.
oh well, it's sad, really sad ... :erk: there is still a lot of work to be done, but in Europe we are gaining ground, and in the USA I heard some good news already too. people hopefully will some day open their eyes and see that they were stupid and blind. no atheist has ever hurted any one, and never will, we can't say the same thing about religious people (yes all of them).
ok ok BS I m not telling you that you are wrong in being an atheist ok? But pls just as much as you have the right to believe in something, I have the right to do so too. I've read something about all types of religion, and spent some time as an atheist too but I have found fulfillment in christianity. Anyway for me as long as we humans live a life which fulfills us and our loved ones it's ok, and it does not matter what religion you follow. Furthermore do not call me brainwashed , cause I am not. If I have read the bible and believed in it, maybe you have read another book by an atheist and agreed with his beliefs. There is nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day everybody is influenced, and as long as we humans do not do harm to each other and live in peace it's ok:)

lol @mike's comment keep on rockin'man:))